Chef Sha

Chef Sha Menu

(650) 581-1707
231 S Ellsworth Ave, San Mateo, CA 94401

前菜、冷盘 Appetizers

五香幹切牛肉 Braised Beef Shanks with 5 Spices
五香豆腐皮 Tofu Skin with 5 Spices
Bean curd made from soybeans.
自家口水黄毛鸡 House Special Chicken in Chili Oil
酸辣草原肚 Spicy & Sour Layered Beef Tripe
Muscle lining of a beef stomach.
酸辣涼粉 Sour and Spicy Cold Jelly
鮮椒草原肚 Layered Beef Tripe with Fresh Pepper
Muscle lining of a cow stomach.
椒麻脆黃喉 Numbing Beef Aorta Salad
鮮椒脆黃喉 Beef Aorta Salad with Fresh Pepper
手拍黄瓜 Cucumber Salad
鲜椒剁茄子 Eggplant Salad with Chopped Chili
烧椒皮蛋 Preserved Eggs with Chili Peppers
小葱皮蛋拌豆腐 Preserved Eggs with Tofu
虎皮青椒 Pan-Seared Chili Peppers
夫妻肺片 Spicy Braised Beef & Beef Tripe
麻辣牛筋 Spicy Beef Tendon
五香牛筋 Braised Beef Tendon
四川延边牛肉 Spicy Braised Beef Shanks
麻辣脱骨凤爪 Spicy Boneless Chicken Feet
芥末脱骨凤爪 Boneless Chicken Feet with Mustard
素春卷 Veggie Spring Roll
蒜泥肥牛 Fatty Beef with Garlic Sauce
剁椒鸭肠 Duck Intestines with Pickled Pepper
麻辣鸭肠 Duck Intestines with Chili Oil

$特别菜肴 House Special Dishes

鮮椒美蛙 Stir Fried Frog with Fresh Pepper
Cooked in oil.
酸湯肥牛 Boiled Fatty Beef with Sour and Spicy Sauce
藤椒春羊 Boiled Spring Lamb with Bamboo Shoots
三珍魚麵筋 Boiled Fish Gluten Ball with Mushrooms
江湖酸菜魚 Boiled Fish Fillet with Pickled Vegetable
水煮牛蛙 Spicy Boiled Frog
火爆牛蛙 Spicy Quick-fried Frog
宫保牛蛙 Kong Pao Frog
泡椒牛蛙 Stir Fried Frog with Pickled Pepper
鲜辣藤椒玛瑙蛙 Spicy Frog and Preserved Eggs with Peppercorn
避风塘牛蛙 Stir Fried Frog with Bread Crumbs
金沙牛蛙 Fried Frog with Salted Egg Yolks
砂锅柴火鸡 Braised Chicken
沙湾大盘鸡 Braised Chicken with Potato and Green Pepper
口福豆花鱼 Spicy Fish with Soft Tofu
蚝汁鱼面筋 Sauteed Fish Gluten Ball in Oyster Sauce
白果虾仁扒大豆苗 Sauteed Pea Shoots with Shrimp and Ginkgo
香脆辣锅巴虾 Spicy Shrimp with Crispy Rice Crust
上海水晶虾仁 Sauteed Crystal Shrimp
XO酱炒鲜贝 Sauteed Scallops with Spicy Seafood Sauce
酸豇豆炒羊排 Stir Fried Lamb Ribs with Pickled Beans
叫花羊排 Roasted Lamb Ribs
过桥小羊腿 Crispy Small Lamb Leg
砂锅青椒香芋羊排 Lamb Chops with Green Pepper and Taro
葱㸆石斑鱼 Grilled Grouper with Green Onions
红烧石斑鱼 Grilled Grouper
川味豆瓣石斑鱼 Braised Grouper with Chili Bean Sauce
锡盒豆腐 Grilled Tofu
重庆毛血旺 Spicy Duck Blood
鲜椒蒜香牛蛙 Stir Fried Frog with Garlic and Pepper
酸菜鸭血 Braised Duck Blood with Sauerkraut
樟茶鸭 Tea-infused Smoked Duck
香卤牛仔骨 Marinated Beef Short Ribs
一味风沙牛仔骨 House Special Beef Short Ribs
鲜椒蒜香牛仔骨 Beef Short Ribs with Garlic and Pepper

$干锅系列 Dry Pot

干鍋牛腩 Spicy Beef Brisket Dry Pot
干鍋羊排 Spicy Lamb Ribs Dry Pot
干鍋牛蛙 Spicy Frog Dry Pot
干鍋土豆 Spicy Potato Dry Pot
干鍋蝦 Spicy Shrimp Dry Pot
干鍋蓮藕 Spicy Lotus Root Dry Pot
干锅黄喉 Spicy Beef Aorta Dry Pot
干锅八爪鱼 Spicy Octopus Dry Pot

$川渝烤鱼 Grilled Fish

麻辣烤石斑鱼 Spicy Grilled Grouper
豉椒烤石斑鱼 Grilled Grouper with Black Bean Curd
酸菜烤石斑鱼 Grilled Grouper with Pickled Vegetable
泡椒烤石斑鱼 Grilled Grouper with Pickled Pepper
酱香烤石斑鱼 Grilled Grouper with House Special Sauce

$热菜小炒(鸡、鸭、牛、羊类)Hot Wok(chicken/duck/beef/lamb)

重慶辣子雞 Stir Fried Chicken with Chili Pepper
小炒嫩牛肉 Sauteed Beef with Black Mushroom
Cooked in oil or fat over heat.
樟茶鴨Tea Infused Smoked Duck
宮保雞丁 Kung Pao Chicken
Spicy stir-fry. Poultry.
傳統水煮牛 Spicy Boiled Beef
甜酸鸡 Sweet & Sour Chicken
柠檬鸡 Lemon Chicken
鱼香鸡丁 Stir Fried Chicken in Spicy Garlic Sauce
Cooked in a pungent savory sauce.
豉椒鸡丁 Sauteed Chicken with Black Bean Sauce
西兰花鸡 Stir Fried Chicken with Broccoli
肉末茄子 Stir Fried Eggplant with Ground Beef
蒙古牛肉 Mongolian Beef
With brown sauce and vegetables.
蔥爆牛肉 Stir Fried Beef with Green Onion
南瓜木耳炒牛肉 Sauteed Beef with Pumpkin and Black Mushroom
Cooked in oil or fat over heat.
豉椒牛肉 Sauteed Beef with Black Bean Sauce
鱼香牛肉丝 Stir Fried Beef with Spicy Garlic Sauce
香干牛肉丝 Stir Fried Beef with Bean Curd
西兰花牛 Stir Fried Beef with Broccoli
四川水煮牛肉 Spicy Boiled Beef
京酱牛肉丝 Sauteed Beef with Soy Bean Paste
酸豇豆炒牛肉末 Stir Fried Minced Beef with Pickled Cowpea
葱爆羊肉 Stir Fried Lamb with Green Onion
蒙古羊肉 Mongolian Lamb

$热菜小炒(海鲜类)Hot Wok(seafood)

傳統水煮魚 Spicy Boiled Fish
藤椒魚片Boiled Fish Filet with Peppercorn
清炒鱼片 Sauteed Fish Fillet
番茄鱼片 Sauteed Fish Fillet with Tomato
豉椒鱼片 Sauteed Fish Fillet with Black Bean Sauce
椒盐鱼片 Stir Fried Fish Fillet with Salt & Pepper
四川豆瓣鱼片 Fish Fillet in Chili Sauce
宫保虾仁 Kong Paw Shrimp
虾仁豆腐 Sauteed Shrimp with Tofu
核桃虾 Walnut Shrimp
椒盐大虾 Stir Fried Shrimp with Salt & Pepper
鱼香鲜贝 Sauteed Scallops with Spicy Garlic Sauce
Cooked in a pungent savory sauce.
黑椒鲜贝 Stir Fried Scallops with Black Pepper

$热菜小炒(素菜类)Hot Wok(vegetable)

油悶龍鬚筍 Fried Chinese Alpine Bamboo
Cooked in oil.
蒜蓉油麥菜 Garlic Fried a Choy
Cooked in oil.
清炒菜心 Stir Fried Bay Bok Choy
Fried in a small amount of very hot oil while being stirred or tossed. With white cabbage.
紅燒豆腐 Braised Tofu
Bean curd made from soybeans. Slow cooked in liquid.
蒜蓉大豆苗 Garlic Fried Pea Shoots
Cooked in oil.
金沙南瓜 Pumpkin with Salted Egg Yolk
麻婆豆腐 Ma Po Tofu
杏鮑菇扒菜心 Stir Fried Baby Bok Chov with Oyster Mushroom
Fried in a small amount of very hot oil while being stirred or tossed.
清炒西兰花 Sauteed Broccoli
芥菜豆腐 Sauteed Tofu with Shepherd's Purse
青椒土豆丝 Stir Fried Potato with Green Pepper
手撕包心菜 Stir Fried Cabbage
糖醋包心菜 Sweet & Sour Cabbage
开洋白菜 Sauteed Napa Cabbage
干煸四季豆 Spicy Stir Fried Green Beans
蒜蓉四季豆 Stir Fried Green Beans with Garlic
鱼香茄子 Stir Fried Eggplant in Chili Garlic Sauce
Cooked in a pungent savory sauce.
红烧茄子 Braised Eggplant
青椒茄子 Stir Fried Eggplant with Fresh Pepper
雪菜毛豆仁百叶 Stir Fried Beans with Bean Curd and Pickled Mustard
XO酱玉子豆腐 Sauteed Egg Tofu with Spicy Seafood Sauce
荷塘小炒 Sauteed Lotus
XO酱油麦菜 Stir Fried A-Choy with Spicy Seafood Sauce
XO酱炒四季豆 Stir Fried Green Beans with Spicy Seafood Sauce
双椒龙须笋 Stir Fried Chinese Alpine Bamboo with Peppers
Cooked in oil.
酸辣土豆丝 Sour & Spicy Potato

$冒菜 Small Boiled Spicy Pot

冒鸭血 Spicy Boiled Duck Blood
冒牛肉 Spicy Boiled Beef
冒毛肚 Spicy Boiled Beef Tripe
冒黄喉 Spicy Boiled Beef Aorta
冒龙利鱼片 Spicy Boiled Fish Fillet

$炖汤 & 砂锅 Soup & Clay Pot

酸辣汤 Spicy & Sour Soup
西红柿蛋花汤 Tomato Egg Drop Soup
鸡茸玉米羹 Minced Chicken and Corn Soup
酸萝卜炖老鸭汤 Duck Soup with Pickled Radish
龙须笋木耳炖老鸭汤 Duck Soup with Alpine Bamboo and Black Mushrooms
西红柿炖牛腩砂锅 Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomatoes in Clay Pot
玉米炖羊排砂锅 Stewed Lamb Ribs with Corn in Clay Pot
滋补羊排砂锅 Lamb Ribs Stew in Clay Pot

$主食 Staple Food

白饭 Steam Rice
红烧牛腩面 Braised Beef Brisket Noodle Soup
炒麵 Chow Mein
川味羊腩面 Spicy Lamb Brisket Noodle Soup
重慶小面 Noodle Soup in Chili Paste
炒飯 Fried Rice
红烧羊腩面 Braised Lamb Brisket Noodle Soup
川味牛腩面 Spicy Beef Brisket Noodle Soup
宜兵燃面 Spicy Dry Noodle
四川番茄煎蛋面 Tomato Noodle Soup with Fried Egg
瑶柱蛋白炒饭 Fried Rice with Dried Scallops and Egg-Whites
羊肉水饺 Lamb Dumplings
四川鸡丝涼麵 Cold Noodle in Chili Sauce with Shredded Chicken

$甜品小吃 Dessert

红糖冰粉 Cold Jelly with Caramel
冰豆花 Tofu Pudding
葱油饼 Green Onion Pancake
芝麻球 Sesame Ball
炼奶馒头 Bun with Condensed Milk
红糖糍粑 Brown Sugar Rice Cake

$饮料 Beverages

可乐 Coke
健怡可乐 Diet Coke
雪碧 Sprite
加多宝 Herbal Tea
冰红茶 Iced Black Tea
北冰洋橙味汽水 Orange Soda
蜂蜜绿茶 Amazon Green Tea w/ Ginseng & Honey
椰树牌椰汁 Coconut Juice
元气森林 白桃气泡水 Peach Flavor Sparkling Water
元气森林 黄瓜气泡水 Cucumber Flavor Sparkling Water
豆奶 Soymilk
伊藤园绿茶 Ito En Green Tea

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