Real de Oaxaca

Real de Oaxaca Menu

(310) 884-9234
11215 Long Beach Blvd #1010, Lynwood, CA 90262


Our delicious and very traditional Oaxacan delicacies served for breakfast.
Chilaquiles de Pasilla Breakfast
Critics favorite. Spicy. Chilaquiles covered in a pasilla sauce. Served with beans and your choice of tasajo, chorizo, cecina, or chicken. Chilaquiles banados en salsa de chile pasilla Oaxaqueno servidos con frijoles y tasajo, chorizo, cecina, o pollo.
Huevos Divorciados Breakfast
2 over-easy eggs, each covered in a red and green tomato salsa separated by fried corn tortillas. Served with a side of black beans. Huevos estrellados banados en salsa de tomate y salsa verde de tomatillo servido con chilaquiles y frijoles refritos. .
Huevos Rancheros Breakfast
Fried eggs on crispy tortillas covered with spicy tomato salsa. Served with rice and black beans. Huevos estrellados banados en salsa de tomate con arroz y frijol negros.
Chilaquiles de Mole Breakfast
Critics favorite. Chilaquiles covered in your choice of either black, red, or coloradito mole. Served with eggs and Oaxacan string cheese. Chilaquiles banados en mole de su eleccion: negro, rojo, o coloradito servidos con huevos estrellados y quesillo.
Huevos a la Mexicana Breakfast
Scrambled eggs with chopped tomato, onion, and jalapeno chile. Served with rice and black beans. Servido con Arroz y frijoles negros.
Huevos en Tres Salsas Breakfast
Spicy. Egg in 3 salsas. 3 scrambled eggs covered in a 3 salsa variation; a chile pasilla salsa, green tomatillo salsa, and red tomato salsa. Served with black beans. Huevos revueltos servidos con salsa de chile pasilla Oaxaquena, salsa verde de tomatillo, y salsa de tomate. Acompanado de frijoles refritos.
Huevos Revueltos con Chorizo Breakfast
Scrambled eggs with chorizo. Served with rice and black beans. Servido con arroz y frijoles negros.
Huevos Revueltos con Jamon Breakfast
Scramble eggs with ham. Served with rice and black beans. Servido con arroz y frijoles negros.
Omelette Oaxaqueno Breakfast
A oaxacan chorizo, epazote, and cheese omelet. Served with beans and 2 quesadillas. Huevos con chorizo, queso fresco, y epazote. Servido con frijoles refritos y quesadillas al comal.
Salsa de Huevos Breakfast
Scrambled eggs covered with spicy tomato sauce. Served with black beans. Huevos en torta, en salsa de jitomate y jalapeno. Servido con frijoles negros.
Salsa de Queso Breakfast
Fresh cheese covered with spicy tomato sauce. Served with black beans. Queso fresco con salsa de jitomate y jalapeno. Servido con frijoles negros.


Served monday to friday from 11 am - 2 pm. servido de lunes a viernes de 11 am- 2pm.


Appetizers. enjoy amazing pre-dinner bites full of real Oaxacan flavor.
Plato de Chapulines
Critics favorite. Order of Oaxacan world-famous grasshoppers. Served with Oaxacan string cheese, tomato, onions, and avocado. Servidos con quesillo, jitomate, cebolla y aguacate.
Queso Fundido con Chorizo Y Champinones
Critics favorite. Melted Oaxaca cheese with chorizo and mushroom skillet.
Molotes de Papa con Chorizo
Critics favorite. Fried corn dough rolls filled with potatoes and chorizo. Rollos de masa de maiz, Fritos y Rellenos de papas y chorizo
Chapulines a la Mexicana
Critics favorite. Fried grasshoppers sauteed with jalapenos, onions, and tomatoes. Served with Oaxacan string cheese and avocado. Chapulines Oaxaquenos fritos con jalapenos, cebolla y tomate. Servidos con quesillo y aguacate.
Patitas de Puerco en Vinagre
Marinated pork feet, paired with pickled jalapenos and carrots. Pies de cerdo marinados, acompanados de jalapenos y zanahorias.
Quesadillas Fritas
Fried quesadillas.
Nopales Asados
Critics favorite. Grilled cactus.
Ensalada de Nopalitos
Our cactus salad tossed with tomatoes, onions, and cilantro. on tomate, cebolla y cilantro.
Molcajete de Guacamole
Fresh guacamole.
Botana de Quesillo
Critics favorite. Quesillo real de Oaxaca is an artisan cheese crafted in the finest Oaxacan tradition, served with tomato, onions, and pickled and jalapenos.

$Para Compartir

Family style. Variety of wonderful delicacies to share with your family and friends.
Botana Oaxaquena
6 people. Assorted tasting plate. Includes: 8 memelas, oaxacan string cheese, chorizo, tasajo and cecina, a fresh chile with picadillo, fried pork ribs, guacamole, and black beans with cactus. 6 personas incluye: medio quesillo, 8 memelas, chorizo, tasajo, cecina, un chile relleno, costilla frita de puerco, guacamole, frijoles de la olla, chile toreado, cebolla y nopal asado.
Combinacion de Antojitos
Critics favorite. 3 people. Assorted tasting platter that includes: fried quesadillas, fried chicken taquitos, molotes, chalupas, and marinated pork feet. 3 personas. Variedad de antojitos oaxaquenos que incluye: quesadillas, molotes, taquitos, chalupas, y patitas de puerco en vinagre.
Festival de Moles
Critics favorite. Mole tasting, plate includes black mole, red mole, estofado, and coloradito, served with sliced chicken breast, a side of rice, and hand-made tortilla. Pechuga de pollo servida con mole negro, mole rojo, amarillo y coloradito, acompañado de arroz y una tortilla a mano.
Canasta Costena
Critics favorite. 2 people. Shrimp, chicken strips, potato wedges, and fish fillet breaded with special Oaxacan seasoning. 2 personas. Camarones, pollo, y filete de pescado empanizados con el sazon especial de la casa y papas fritas.

$Moles y Tlayudas

Moles and Tlayudas are 2 of the most iconic dishes. Oaxacan cuisine might fall apart if these 2 were removed from the equation.
Mole Negro
Critics favorite. An absolute must-have, your choice of chicken breast or chicken leg covered with Oaxaca's famous black mole made from chiles, nuts, seeds, spices, and Oaxacan chocolate. Rich bold flavor.chicken thigh or chicken breast. Served with a side of rice. La especialidad de la casa. Servido con su eleccion de pechuga o pierna de Pollo acompanado con Arroz.
Mole Rojo
Your choice of chicken breast or chicken leg covered with Oaxaca's famous red mole made from chiles, nuts, seeds, spices, and Oaxacan chocolate. Rich bold flavor. Served with rice. Servido con su eleccion de pechuga o pierna de pollo acompañado con arroz.
Critics favorite. Wondering what that delicious sauce on your chips is? Chicken breast or leg quarters with Oaxaca's famous coloradito mole, made from chiles, nuts, seeds, spices, and Oaxacan chocolate. Rich, mild flavor. Served with rice. Receta especial de la casa. Servido con su ellecion de pechuga or pierna de Pollo acompanado con Arroz.
A bowl of chicken or vegetables served over yellow mole flavored with chiles, cloves, and cumin. Mole Oaxaqueno a base de chiles secos, espesado con masa de maiz. Servido con pollo acompanado de verduras.
Tlayuda Real de Oaxaca
Critics favorite. Imported tortilla tlayuda layered with asiento paste, and black bean paste, topped with fresh cheese, lettuce, tasajo, cecina, chorizo, and oaxaca cheese. Tortilla tipica Oaxaquena untada de asiento y pasta de frijol con queso fresco, repollo, tasajo, cecina, chorizo y quesillo.
Tlayuda Vegetariana
Critics favorite. Imported tortilla tlayuda layered with black beans paste, topped with queso fresco, cabbage, mushroom, cactus, avocado, and tomato. Tortilla tipica Oaxaquena con pasta de frijol, queso fresco, lechuga, hongos, nopales, tomates y aguacate.
Tlayuda Tradicional
Critics favorite. Imported tortilla tlayuda layered with asiento spread, black beans paste and sprinkled with cabbage, and fresh cheese. Comes with an option of tasajo, cecina, chorizo, or Oaxaca cheese quesillo. Tortilla tipica Oaxaqueña con asiento, pasta de frijol, repollo y queso fresco. Servido con su eleccion de tasajo, cecina, chorizo o quesillo.
Tlayuda de Mole
Critics favorite. Imported tortilla Tlayuda layered with our black mole, topped with fresh cheese. Tortilla tipica Oaxaquena cubierta con mole negro y queso fresco.
Tlayuda Choriqueso
Critics favorite. Imported tortilla tlayuda layered with asiento spread, topped with shredded chorizo, Oaxaca cheese quesillo, and fresh cheese. Tortilla tipica Oaxaquena con asiento , chorizo desmenuzado, quesillo y queso fresco.
Tlayuda Epazote
Critics favorite. Imported tortilla tlayuda layered with asiento spread, topped with qesillo, fresh cheese, and epazote leaves. Tortilla tipica Oaxaquena con asiento, queso fresco, quesillo y epazote fresco.

$Traditional Oaxacan Food

Realde Oaxaca offers a big variety of the most traditional food to please everyone.
Memelas con Aciento y Carne
Critics favorite. Thick handmade tortilla smeared with asiento, black bean puree, and topped off with sprinkled cheese, comes with the option of tasajo, cecina, chorizo, or Oaxacan cheese quesillo. Tortilla gruesa hecha a mano con asiento, frijol y queso fresco con una eleccion de quesillo, chorizo, tasajo, cecina o pollo.
Tamal Oaxaqueno de Mole Negro con Pollo
Critics favorite. Our famous banana leaf-wrapped tamale. Finely ground corn dough packages, filled with shredded chicken in black mole. Served with rice and black beans on the side. Nuestro Famoso tamal oaxaqueno envuelto en Hoja de platano. Servido con arroz y frijoles.
Enchiladas Campesinas
Critics favorite. 3 handmade tortillas stuffed with chicken covered with mole Rojo topped with onions, fresh cheese, and Italian parsley. Tres tortillas suaves hechas a mano, rellenas con pollo, cubiertas de mole rojo; con rodajas de cebolla, queso fresco y perejil.
3 tortillas dipped in a red tomato sauce, folded and sprinkled with cheese. Served with your choice of Oaxacan string cheese, chorizo, tasajo, cecina, or chicken on the side. Tres tortillas fritas bañadas en salsa de tomate y queso fresco con una eleccion de quesillo, chorizo, tasajo, cecina o pollo.
3 tortillas dipped in a black beans sauce, folded and sprinkled with cheese. Served with a choice of chorizo, tasajo, or cecina on the side. Tortillas fritas banadas en pasta de frijol y queso fresco. Servidas con una eleccion de: chorizo, tasajo, cecina o quesillo.
Taco de Barbacoa de Chivo
Critics favorite. Huge, handmade corn tortilla rolled around young goat tender cooked in a broth flavored with dried chiles, avocado leaves, and herbs. Served with young goat broth. Tortilla a manorellena de barbacoa de chivo. Servido con su consome.
Taquitos Fritos de Picadillo de Pollo
Critics favorite. Fried crisp taquitos stuffed with chicken picadillo. Covered with a choice of guacamole or coloradito sauce and topped with fresh cheese. Taquitos dorados rellenos de picadillo de pollo, cubiertos con su eleccion de guacamole o mole coloradito con queso fresco.
Empanadas de Amarillo
Critics favorite. Huge handmade corn tortilla folded over and stuffed with chicken and yellow mole. Empanadas de maiz cocidas al comal, rellenas de mole Amarillo con Pollo.
Salsa de Carne Frita
Critics favorite. Spicy. Fried pork ribs covered with spicy tomato sauce. Served with rice and black beans. Costillas de puerco fritas banadas en salsa de tomate. Servidas con arroz y frijoles negros.
Empanadas de Huitlacoche
Hongos con queso. Huge, handmade corn tortillas folded and stuffed with a choice of huitlacoche and Oaxacan string cheese or mushrooms and Oaxacan string cheese. Empanadas de maiz cocidas al comal rellenas con su ellecion, Hongos con quesillo o Huitlacoche con quesillo.
Critics favorite. Spicy. Fried tortillas pieces in spicy tomato sauce and sprinkled with cheese. Served with a choice of Oaxacan string cheese, chorizo, tasajo, cecina, or chicken on the side. Totopas de tortilla tlayuda cubierta en sasa de tomate con una eleccion de quesillo, chorizo, tasajo, cecina o pollo.
Critics favorite. 3 tortillas dipped in black mole, folded, and sprinkled with cheese. Served with a choice of Oaxacan string cheese, chorizo, tasajo, cecina, or chicken on the side. Tres tortillas bañadas en mole negro, dobladas y espolvoreadas con queso. Servido con una selección de queso oaxaqueño, chorizo, tasajo, cecina o pollo.
Enchiladas de Coloradito
Critics favorite. 3 tortillas dipped in coloradito mole sauce, folded and sprinkled with cheese. served with a choice of Oaxacan string cheese chorizo, tasajo, cecina, or chicken on the side. Tres tortillas cubiertas de mole coloradito con una eleccion de quesillo, chorizo, tasajo, cecina encima o rellenas de pollo.
Chiles Rellenos
Critics favorite. Spicy. Fresh chile stuffed with chopped chicken or cheese, raisins, and nuts, battered and fried, covered with spicy tomato sauce. Served with rice and black beans. Chiles de Agua rellenos con picadillo de Pollo o queso, pasas y almendras, bañados en salsa de tomate, acompanados con frijoles negros y arroz.
Caldo de Pollo
Chicken and rice stew soup. Served with vegetables. Big and steaming hot. Servido con verduras acompanado con arroz.
This traditional soup is a favorite of Mexican cuisine. It is made from hominy, with meat, seasoned and garnished with shredded cabbage, chile peppers, onion, radishes and served with tostadas.

$Carnes Oaxaquenas

Oaxacan meats. This is a specialty that shouldn’t be missed. We served all our meats only in the traditional Oaxacan way.
Especial de Carnes
Critics favorite. Assorted tasting plate, includes grilled tasajo, cecina, chorizo, and Oaxacan string cheese. Served with rice, black beans, and green salad. Porcion de tasajo, cecina, chorizo asados y quesillo. Servido con arroz, frijoles negros y ensalada.
Tasajo a la Mexicana
Critics favorite. Tasajo, sauteed with onions, tomatoes, and jalapeno peppers spicy served with rice and black beans. Tasajo picado concinado con tomate, cebolla y chile jalapeno. Servido con arroz y frijoles negros.
Costilla de Puerco Enchilada
Critics favorite. Chile-marinated fried or grilled pork ribs. Served with rice, black beans, and green salad. Costillas de puerco marinadas en nuestra salsa especial, asadas o fritas. Servidos con arroz, frijoles negros y ensalda.
Tasajo, Cecina, and Chorizo Especial
Critics favorite. Grilled tasajo, cecina, or chorizo, served with rice, black beans, and salad. Su eleccion de tasajo, cecina, o chorizo asados. Servido con arroz, frijoles negros y ensalada.
Tasajo and Cecina Encebollados Con Hongos
Tasajo or cecina, sauteed with mushroom and onions. Served with rice, black beans, and salad. Su eleccion de tasajo o cecina picado y cocinado con hongos. Servido con arroz, frijoles negros y ensalada.
Salsa de Chorizo
Spicy. Chorizo covered with spicy tomato sauce. served with black beans. Chorizo banado en salsa de tomate. Servido con frijoles negros.
Pechuga de Pollo Enchilada
Chile-marinated fried or grilled chicken breast. Served with rice, black beans, and salad. Pollo marinado asado o frito. Servido con arroz, frijoles negros y ensalada.
Pechuga de Pollo Empanizada
Breaded chicken breast served with potato wedges, rice, and black beans. Servida con papas fritas, Arroz y frijoles.
Pechuga de Pollo Enchipotlada
Chicken breast cooked with our special chipotle sauce sauteed with mushrooms and onions; accompanied with french fries, rice, and beans. Cocinada con championes y cebolla con un toque de chile chipotle. Servido con papas, Arroz, y frijoles.
Carnitas Real de Oaxaca
Critics favorite. Fried pork marinated with a unique house recipe. Served with salad, guacamole, black beans, and pico de gallo salsa. Costillas de puerco marinadas con nuestra receta especial. Servidas con ensalada, guacamole, pico de gallo, y frijoles negros.
Nopal Zapoteco
Critics favorite. Grilled cactus, topped with grilled beef or chicken, onion, bell pepper, tomato, and melted Oaxacan string cheese. Tasajo o pollo cocinado con cebolla, chile morron, tomate y quesillo. Servido sobre un nopal asado.
Critics favorite. Tasajo beef sauteed with onions, bell peppers, and melted Oaxacan cheese string. Tasajo concinado con pimiento verde, cebolla y quesillo fundido.


Mariscos. Seafood is beloved through Oaxacan cuisine and an important staple in our restaurant.
Tuxtepecana Mixta
Critics favorite. Pineapple stuffed with shrimp, octopus, and fish, sauteed with onion wedges. Served with rice and salad. Pina rellena de mariscos: camaron, pulpo y Pescado. Servido con Arroz y Ensalada.
Sopa de Mariscos
Critics favorite. Warm-up your heart with our seafood soup. This hearty food will lift up your spirits.
Camarones Aguachile
Spicy. Ceviche of raw shrimp marinated in a chile-lime juice mixture, or aguachile chile water. Ceviche de camaron crudo marinado en una mezcla de jugo de chile y lima, o aguachile agua de chile.
Camarones a la Costena
Critics favorite. Sauteed whit bell peppers, olives, and yellow peppers. Cocinados con chile morron, olivos y chile guero.
Camarones al Mojo de Ajo
Critics favorite. Shrimp cooked in a bath of garlic, which has itself been slowly cooked to make it delicious and full of flavor. Served with rice, black beans, and salad. Camarones banados en salsa de ajo. Servido con Arroz, frijoles negros y Ensalada.
Camarones Enchipotlados
Critics favorite. Spicy. Tender shrimp amped up by the smokey heat of our tomato chipotle sauce. Banados en la salsa chipotle de la casa.
Huachinango Dorado o al Mojo de Ajo
Red snapper, fried or sauteed in a garlic sauce. Served with rice, black beans, and salad. Servido con Arroz, frijoles negros y ensalada.
Mojarra Frita o al Mojo de Ajo
Fresh tilapia, fried or sauteed in a garlic sauce. Servido con arroz, frijol y ensalada.
Tostada de Camaron
Crispy tortilla layered with shrimp, tomatoes, onion, and cilantro. Tostada de camaron con tomate, cebolla y cilantro.
Tostada de Mixta
Crispy tortilla layered with shrimp, tomatoes, onion, and cilantro. Tostada de camaron,pulpo, abulon y almejas.
Coctel de Camaron
Shrimp in sweet sauce tossed with chopped tomatoes, onion, cilantro, and avocado. Camarones en salsa dulce arrojado con tomate picado, cebolla, cilantro y aguacate.
Shrimp octopus, abalone, and baby clams in sweet sauce tossed with chopped tomatoes, onion, cilantro, and avocado. Camaron, pulpo, abulon, y almejas en una salsa dulce con tomate picado.
Filete de Pescado Empanizado
Breaded fish fillet.
Filete de Pescado a la Costena
Critics favorite. Spicy. Sauteed white bell pepper, olives, and yellow peppers. Cocinados con chile morron, olivos y chile guero.
Filete de Pescado al Mojo de Ajo
Sauteed with a garlic sauce.
Filete de Pescado Enchipotlado
Critics favorite. Spicy. Fish fillet sauteed in a chipotle sauce. Banados en la salsa chipotle de la casa.


Enjoy the sweet side of Oaxaca life with our traditional desserts.
Real de Oaxaca
Critics favorite. Includes a flan, fried plantains, and strawberries. Incluye un flan, platanos fritos, nicuatole y fresas con crema.
Gelatin -like dessert made from corn flour, cinnamon, and sugar.
Fresas con Crema
Fresh strawberries, topped with Mexican style cream.
Platanos Fritos
Sliced and fried plantains topped with sour cream walnuts.
Arroz con Leche
Traditional rice pudding.
Flan Tradicional
Mexican custard.

$Agua de Horchata

Agua de Horchata con Tuna y Nuez
Critics favorite. Sweet rice water drink, topped with cantaloupe, chopped nuts, and cactus fruits.
Mexican Sodas


Pechuga de Pollo Enchilada
Chile-marinated fried or grilled chicken breast. Served with rice, black beans, and salad. Pollo marinado asado o frito. Servido con arroz, frijoles negros y ensalada.

$Mezcaladas (Must be 21 to Purchase)

Our delicious michelada mix is ready to pour and mix with your favorite beer. Hint you may want to add our real de Oaxaca sal de gusano agave worm to salt the rim of your mug so you can have a real michelada. Please help me to sounds yummy. Must‌ ‌be‌ ‌21‌ ‌ to‌ ‌purchase.

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