Sichuan Gourmet (Atwood St)

Sichuan Gourmet (Atwood St) Menu

(412) 621-6889
328 Atwood St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213


A1. Beef Tripe, Shank and Tendon in Chili Oil 老成都肺片
Cold. Spicy.
A2. Five Spice Beef 五香牛肉
A3. Chicken with rattan pepper 藤椒鸡
A4. Steamed chicken w. chili sauce 口水鸡
A5. Bang Bang chicken 棒棒鸡
A6. Home Style Sliced Pork Belly 蒜泥白肉
A7. Shredded pig ear w. red oil 红油耳片
A8. Sliced beef w. fresh hot pepper 鲜椒牛肉
A9. Squid w. fresh hot pepper 鲜椒鱿鱼
A10. Cucumber with Red Oil 冷炝黄瓜
A11. Sichuan Pickled Vegetable 四川泡菜
A12. Cold Noodle with Sesame and Peanut Butter Sauce 芝麻凉面
A13. Sichuan Spicy Cold Noodle 四川凉面
A2. Spicy Beef Tendon
Cold. Spicy.
A4. Spicy Beef Jerky
A16. Sweet and Spicy Noodles
A20. Braised Pork Intestine Yam Noodle Soup
A14. Szechuan spicy cold bean jelly 川北凉粉
A15. Hot & spicy bamboo shoots 麻辣春笋
A16. Spciy woodear mushroom 开胃黑玫瑰
A17. Smashed seasoning eggplant w. hot pepper 擂茄子
A18. Hot pepper beef shank 烧椒牛腱子

$Snacks 小吃

chinese pork rice dumpling(1pc) 肉粽子
Sweet chinese sticky rice dumpling 甜粽子
D1. Dan-dan Noodles 担担面
D2. Dumplings in Red Oil 钟水饺
D3. Wanton White Soup 清汤抄手
D4. Hot and Spicy Wonton 麻辣抄手
D5. Hot and Sour Yam Noodles Soup with Pork Intestines 肥肠酸辣粉
D6. Hot and Sour Yam Noodles Soup 素酸辣粉
Vegetarian. Spicy.
D7. Steamed dumplings 北方水饺
D8. Dumplings in White Soup 清汤水饺
D9. Fried Pork Dumplings é”…è´´
D10. Scallion Pancake 葱油饼
D11. Rice Balls in Wine Soup 酒酿圆子
D12. Golden & white Small Buns 金银小馒头
D13. Steamed Custard Bun 奶黄包
D13. Steamed Roasted Pork Bun 叉烧包
D14. Lai Tang Yuan 赖汤圆
D15. Steamed Small Meat Bun 小笼包
D16. Crystal Shrimp Dumplings 虾饺
D18. Sticky Rice Chicken 糯米鸡
D17. Steamed Shu-Mai with Pork 烧麦
D19. Pumpkin Pancake 南瓜饼
Four pieces.

$Pittsburgh Flavor

American style asian food
1. Egg roll 大卷
2. Spring roll 小卷
3. Cheese rangoon 芝士饺
4. Scallion pancake 葱油饼
5. Steamed dumplings 水饺
6. Fried dumplings é”…è´´
8. Pumpkin cake 南瓜饼
9. General Tso's Chicken 左宗鸡
10. Orange chicken 陈皮鸡
12. Amazing crispy chicken 脆皮鸡
13. Sweet & sour chicken 甜酸鸡
14. Sesame chicken 芝麻鸡
15. Honey walnut chicken 核桃鸡
16. Kung pao chicken 宫爆鸡
17. Cashew chicken 腰果鸡
18. Broccoli chicken 芥兰鸡
19. Vegtable chicken 素菜鸡
20. Garlic flavor chicken 鱼香鸡
21. String bean chicken 四季豆鸡
22. Szechuan chicken 四川鸡
23. Hunan chicken 湖南鸡
24. Triple veg chicken 三素鸡
25. Moo Goo Gai Pan 蘑菇鸡片
26. Mu-shu chicken 木须鸡(美式)
27. Broccoli beef 芥兰牛
28. Vegetable 素菜牛/羊
29. Green pepper beef 青椒牛
30. String bean beef 四季豆牛
31. Mongolian beef 蒙古牛
32. Szechuan 四川牛/羊
33. Hunan 湖南牛/羊
34. Scallions 葱爆牛/羊 (美式)
35. Black Mushroom with Beef & Chicken 冬菇鸡牛
36. vegetable pork 素菜肉
37. Hunan pork 湖南肉
38. Scallions pork 葱爆肉
39. Garlic flavor pork 鱼香肉
40. Mu-shu Pork (AS) 木须肉
41. General Tso's shrimp 左宗虾
42. Sweet & sour shrimp 酸甜虾
43. Sesame shrimp 芝麻虾
44. Honey walnut shrimp 核桃虾
45. Kung pao shrimp 宫保虾
46. Cashew shrimp 腰果虾仁
47. Vegetable shrimp 素菜虾
48. Broccoli shrimp 芥兰虾
49. Szechuan shrimp 四川虾
50. Hunan shrimp 湖南虾
51. Garlic flavor shrimp 鱼香虾
52. Triple delight 炒三鲜
53. Happy family 全家福
54. Sweet & sour fish 金毛狮子鱼
55. Sauteed Mixed vegetable 什锦素菜
56. Triple green vegetable 炒三素
57. Eggplant in Garlic sauce 鱼香茄子
58. Dry sauteed green bean w. minced pork 干煸四季豆
59. String bean in garlic sauce 鱼香四季豆
60. Dry sauteed broccoli 干炒芥兰
61. Broccoli in garlic sauce 鱼香芥兰
62. Dry sauteed asparagus w. minced pork 干煸芦笋
63. General tso's tofu 左宗豆腐
64. Mu-shu vegetable 木须菜 (美式))

$Chef special 主厨特色川菜

1. Steamed whole fish w. chopped hot pepper 开门红剁椒鱼
2. Fish fillet in hot broth with green pepper corn 青花椒水煮鱼
3. Fish fillet in boiled oil 沸腾鱼
4.Silk tofu fish fillet w. pickled veg 酸菜豆花鱼
5. Laifeng fish 来凤鱼
6. Goledn yolk shrimp w. corn 金旦玉米虾
7. Hot & sour yam noodle w. eel 酸辣鳝鱼粉丝
8. Fat beef in sour soup 酸汤肥牛
9. Fancy flaming beef 火烧赤壁牛
10. Tasty lamb leg 滋味小羊腿
11. Special flavor lamb chops 飘香风味小羊排
12. Crispy strip cony meat 手撕流氓兔
13. Pork intestine & chicken in hanging pot 吊锅肥肠鸡
14. Huanghou & chicken in hot spicy pot 香锅黄喉鸡
15. chicken cubes w. chopped chili pepper 小米椒爱上小公鸡
16. Vemicelli based shredded duck 铁板粉丝捞鸭
17. Special grilled pork brain 特色烤脑花
18. Flavored stewed pork brain 勾魂冒脑花
19. Braised pork feet w. rattan pepper 藤椒焗猪手
20. Country style pork w. buns 农家老坎肉
21. Crispy skin pork shoulder 霸王香肘
22. Kung-fu pork blood & tripe 功夫毛血旺
23. Chengdu style mixed meat and vegetable in hotpot
24. Nourishing health tofu 一品养生豆腐


S1. Fish Fillet with silk tofu & Pickled Sour Vegetable Soup 酸菜豆花鱼片汤
S2. Chinese medicine flavor chicken soup 药膳罐罐煨鸡汤
S3. Mung bean seaweed pork ribs soup 绿豆紫菜排骨汤
S4. West Lake Beef Soup 西湖牛肉羹
S5. Pan Fried Eggs with Tomato Soup 番茄煎蛋汤
S6. Vegetable Tofu Soup 青菜豆腐汤
S7. Hot & sour soup(L) 酸辣汤(大)
S8. Seafood Veg Soup 海鲜蔬菜汤
S9. Chicken and Corn Egg Drop Soup 鸡茸玉米羹


P1. Chongqing spicy chicken 重庆辣子鸡
P2. Hot and Spicy Crispy Chicken with Rice Crust 风味锅巴鸡
P3. Kung Pao Chicken 宫保鸡丁
P4. Diced chicken in hot black bean chili 老干妈鸡丁
P5. Chicken giblets w. pickled pepper 泡椒鸡杂
P6. Garlic flavor breaded chicken 鱼香八块鸡
P7. Chicken stewed mushroom 小鸡炖蘑菇
P8. Chicken with Basil 三杯鸡
P9. Sichuan Curry Chicken 川式咖喱鸡
P10. coutry style chicken 农家鸡
P11. Shredded Duck with Ginger 仔姜爆鸭丝
P12. 1/2 Tea Smoked Flavor Duck 樟茶鸭(半只)
P13. Peking Duck(half) 北京烤鸭(半只)

$Beef and Lamb

B1. Beef in Hot Broth with Green Pepper Corn 青花椒水煮牛、羊
B4. Cumin Lamb 孜然羊、牛
B5. Spicy Beef Filet in Jumbo Pot
B6. Spicy Lamb Filet in Jumbo Pot
B7. Scallion Lamb
B8. Lamb with Hot Pepper
B9. Scallion Beef
B10. Shredded Beef with Hot Pepper
black pepper beef tenderloin 黑椒牛柳


M1. Double Cooked Sliced Pork Belly 回锅肉
M2. Sauted salted pork slice 生爆盐煎肉
M3. Country flavor pork 农家小炒肉
M4. Shredded Pork in Garlic Sauce 鱼香肉丝
M5. Shredded Pork with Bamboo Shoot 笋尖肉丝
M6. Shredded Pork with Hot Pepper 小椒肉丝
M7. Shredded Pork with Seasoning Tofu 香干肉丝
M8. Scallion pork 葱爆肉丝
M9. Mushu pork 木须肉
M10. Sliced Pork in Hot Brot 水煮肉片
M11. Sliced Pork with Sizzling Rice Crust 堂响锅巴肉片
M12. Quicky sauteed pork intestines 溜肥肠
M13. Pork Intestines in spicy pepper 尖椒肥肠
M14. Dried Sauteed Pork Intestine 干煸肥肠
M15. Pork Kidney in Hot Broth 水煮腰花
M16. Quick Sauteed Pork Kidney with Vegetable 火爆腰花
M17. Scallion flavor pork kidney 葱香腰花
M18. quick fried pork liver 熘肝尖
M19. Sauteed liver & kidney 肝腰合炒
M20. braised pork belly in 瓦罐红烧肉
M21. Mao's pork belly 毛氏红烧肉
M22. Sauteed pork belly 小炒红烧肉
M23. Steamed pork belly w. preserved vegetables 门坎扣肉
M24. House special fruit flavor spare rib tips 秘制果味小排
M25. crispy pork ribs with salt & pepper 椒盐小排
M26. Braised pork ribs 红烧排骨
M27. Hot and Spicy Pork Feet 香辣猪手
M28.Steamed egg w. minced pork 苕子蒸蛋
M29. Stew pork shoulder in sour soup 酸汤肘子
M30. Braised pork shoulder 红烧蹄髈
M31. Hot & spicy pork shoulder 香辣蹄髈
M32. Braised meat balls in brown sauce 红烧狮子头
M33.Dry braised meat balls 干烧狮子头
M34. vermicelli with spicy minced pork 蚂蚁上树
M35. Special flavor sliced potato 风味土豆片
M36. Home style tofu w. pork 家常豆腐


E1. Grilled Whole Fish with Special Flavor回味烤全鱼
E2. Steamed Whole Fish with Scallion and Ginger清蒸全鱼
E3. Braised Whole Fish 红烧全鱼
E4. Braised Whole Fish with Bean Paste豆瓣全鱼
E5. Braised Whole Fish with Minced Pork干烧全鱼
E6. Sweet & sour squirrel fish 松鼠全鱼
E7. Double cooked fish fillet 回锅鱼片
E8. fish fillet in hot broth 水煮鱼片
E9. Hot & spicy fish fillet 香辣鱼片
E10. Fish fillet with black bean 豆豉鱼片
E11. Fish fillet with pickled pepper 泡椒鱼片
E12. Fish fillet w. salt & pepper 椒盐鱼片
E13. Fish fillet w. pickled veg 泡菜鱼片
E14. Spicy fish fillet in jumbo pot 冷锅鱼片
E15 Wok roasted squid w. salt & pepper 椒盐鱿鱼
E16 Wok roasted head-on shrimp w. salt & pepper 椒盐大虾
E17. Hot & spicy head-on shrimp 香辣大虾
E18. Dry-braised head-on shrimp 干烧大虾
E19. Kung-Pao Shrimp 宫爆虾球
E20. Garlic flavor shrimp balls 鱼香虾球
E21. Seafood w. sizzling rice crust 堂响锅粑海鲜


V1. Mapo Tofu 麻婆豆腐
V2. Cumin Tofu 孜然豆腐
V3. Kung Pao Tofu 宫保豆腐
V31. Sauteed Water Spinach
V4. Cabbage w. vermicelli 莲白粉丝
V5. Quick fried cabbage w. pepper 炝炒包心菜
V6. Sauteed cabbage w. garlic 蒜炒包心菜
V7. Vinegar flavor shredded potato 醋溜土豆丝
V8. Hot & sour flavor shredded potato 酸辣土豆丝
V9. Shredded potato w. hot pepper 小椒土豆丝
V10. Dry sauteed green bean w. minced pork 干煸四季豆
V11. Sauteed green bean w. eggplant 四季豆炒茄子
V12. Chinese eggplant in garlic sauce 鱼香茄子
V13. chinese eggplant in sweet flour paste sauce 酱烧茄子
V14. sauteed baby bok choy 清炒上海苗
V15. Baby bok choy with black mushroom 冬菇菜心
V16. Quick-fried lotus root with pepper 炝炒藕片
V17. Pan fried hot peppers 虎皮青椒
V18. Plain fried asparagus 清炒芦笋
V19. Dry sauteed asparagus w. minced pork 干煸芦笋
V20. Quick fried asparagus w. pepper 炝炒芦笋
V21. Sauteed A choy w. garlic 蒜炒A菜
V22. Quick fried A choy with pepper 炝炒A菜
V23. Sauteed snow pea leaves 清炒豆苗
V24. King oyster mushroom w. basil 三杯杏鲍菇
V25. Stir fried egg w. fresh tomato 西红柿炒蛋

$Flaming Pan

F1. Spicy Fish Filet in Flaming Pan 干锅鱼片
F2. Spicy Beef in Flaming Pan 干锅牛
F3. Spicy Lamb in Flaming Pan 干锅羊
F4. Spicy Squid in Flaming Pan 干锅鱿鱼
F5. Spicy Pork Feet in Flaming Pan 干锅猪手
F6.Spicy pork ribs in flaming pan 干锅排骨
F7. Spicy huanghou in flaming pan 干锅黄喉
F8. Spicy pork intestines in flaming pan 干锅肥肠
F9. Spicy kidney in flaming pan 干锅腰花
F10. Spicy chicken in flaming pan 干锅鸡
F11. Chicken giblets in flaming pan 干锅鸡杂
F12. Spicy agrocybe mushroom in flaming pan 干锅茶树菇
F13. Spicy cauliflowers in flaming pan 干锅花菜

$Hot and Spicy Pot

H1. Shrimp in Hot and Spicy Pot 香锅虾
H2. Fish Fillet in Hot and Spicy Pot 香锅鱼
H3. Beef in Hot and Spicy Pot 香锅牛
H4. Lamb in Hot and Spicy Pot 香锅羊
H5. Pork Spareribs in Hot and Spicy Pot 香锅排骨
H6. Pork Feet in Hot and Spicy Pot 香锅猪手
H7. Mix Vegetable in Hot and Spicy Pot 香锅素什锅
H8. Squid in hot & spicy pot 香锅鱿鱼

$Sichuan Clay Pot

M1. Braised beef brisket w. Bamboo 筒笋烧牛腩
M2. Spicy beef with tofu skin in clay pot 腐竹牛肉锅
M3. Spicy spare ribs with bamboo shot in clay pot 明笋排骨锅
M4. Home style fish fillet with tofu in clay pot 家常豆腐鱼片锅
M5. Beef brisket w. turnip in clay pot 萝卜牛腩锅

$Fried Rice

R1. Sichuan Fried Rice 川味炒饭
R2. Yang-Chow Fried Rice 扬州炒饭
R3. Combination fried ric 本楼炒饭
R4. Shrimp Fried Rice 虾仁炒饭
R5. Beef Fried Rice 牛肉炒饭
R6. Chicken Fried Rice 鸡肉炒饭
R7. Pork Fried Rice 猪肉炒饭
R8. Vegetable Fried Rice 素什锦炒饭
R9. Double cooked pork belly fried rice 回锅肉炒饭
R10. Pork w. green pepper fried rice 青椒肉丝炒饭
R11. Garlic flavor prok fried rice 鱼香肉丝炒饭
R12. Egg fried rice 蛋炒饭

$Noodle and Noodle Soup

N1. Pan Fried Eggs with Tomato Noodle Soup 番茄煎蛋汤面/米粉
Rice noodle soup.
N2. Fish with Pickled Vegetable Noodle Soup 酸菜鱼汤面/米粉
Rice noodle soup.
N3. Sichuan Spicy Beef Noodle Soup 红烧牛肉汤面/米粉
Rice noodle soup. Spicy.
N4. Home Style Sparerib Noodle Soup 家乡排骨汤面/米粉
Rice noodle soup. Spicy.
N5. Shredded Pork with Preserved Pickle Noodle Soup 榨菜肉丝面/米粉
Rice noodle soup.
N6. Braised Pork Intestine Noodle Soup 红烧肥肠面
N7. Five flavor beef noodle soup 五香牛肉面
N8. Soy bean paste noodle 杂酱面
N9. Noodles in simple sauce 阳春面
N10. pork noodle 肉丝捞面/炒米粉
N11. chicken noodle 鸡肉捞面/炒米粉
N12. shrimp noodle 虾仁捞面/炒米粉
N13. beef noodle 牛肉捞面/炒米粉
N14. combination noodle 什锦捞面/炒米粉
N15. vegetable noodle 素菜捞面/炒米粉
N16. Beef hofun 干炒牛河


D1. coke 可乐
D2. Diet coke 健怡可乐
D3. sprite 雪碧
D4. Fanta 芬达
D5. sweet ice tea 冰红茶
D7. soy milk 豆奶
D8. chinese herb tea 王老吉
D9. coconut milk 椰奶
D10. Plum drink 酸梅汤
D11. Aloe drink 芦荟汁
D12. Black tea bubble tea
D13. Taro bubble tea 香芋奶茶
D14. Mango bubble tea 芒果奶茶
D15. Coffee bubble tea 咖啡奶茶
D16. Green Tea bubble tea 抹茶奶茶

$Lunch Specials

L1. Shredded Pork with Bamboo Shoot Lunch Special笋尖肉丝
L2. Scallion Pork Lunch Special葱爆肉丝
L3. Kung-Pao Chicken Lunch Special宫保鸡丁
L4. Home Style Pork Lunch Special家常肉片
L5. Sliced Pork in Hot Broth Lunch Special水煮肉片
L6. Fish Fillet in Hot Broth Lunch Special水煮鱼片
L7. Hot and Spicy Fish Fillet Lunch Special香辣鱼片
L8. Fish Fillet with Black Bean Chili Lunch Special 豆豉鱼片
L9. Kung-Pao Tofu Lunch Special 宫保鱼片
L10. Mapo Tofu Lunch Special 麻婆豆腐
L11. Home Style Tofu Lunch Special 家常豆腐
L12. cellophane bean noodle w. minced pork 蚂蚁上树
L13. Sauteed shredded potato w. vinegar 醋溜土豆丝
L14. Sauteed shredded potato w. hot pepper 小椒土豆丝
L15. Quick fried cabbage w. hot pepper 炝炒包心菜
L16. Sauteed cabbage w. garlic 蒜炒包心菜
L17. Chinese eggplant w. garlic sauce 鱼香茄子
L18. General Tso's chicken 左宗鸡
L19. Sesame chicken 芝麻鸡
L20. Orange chicken 陈皮鸡
L21. Broccoli chicken 芥兰鸡
L22. Garlic flavor chicken 鱼香鸡
L23. Moo Goo Gai Pan 蘑菇鸡片
L24. Broccoli Beef 芥兰牛
L25. Garlic flavor beef 鱼香牛
L26. Green pepper beef 青椒牛

$Lunch American Style Chinese Food

1. General Tso's Chicken Lunch
2. Sesame Chicken Lunch
3. Orange Chicken Lunch
4. Chicken with Garlic Sauce Lunch
5. Chicken with Broccoli Lunch
6. Chicken with Black Bean Lunch
8. Beef with Broccoli Lunch
9. Beef with Garlic Sauce Lunch
10. Beef with Black Bean Lunch

$Side order

This is the side orders menu.
White Rice

$Silk Tofu

M1. Hot & sour silk tofu 酸辣豆花
M2. Fish fillet, Beef, Lamb w. silk tofu 豆花鱼、牛、羊
M3. Pork intestine w. silk tofu 豆花肥肠
M4. Crab flavor silk tofu 蟹黄豆花

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