Fortune Noodle House

Fortune Noodle House Menu

(513) 281-1800
349 Calhoun St, Cincinnati, OH 45219


A1 Roast beef, tendon & tripe with chili sauce 夫妻肺片(cold dish)
Served as cold dish.
A2 Pig ear with spicy chili sauce 红油耳丝(cold dish)
Served as cold dish
A3 Chicken with spicy chili sauce口水鸡 (cold dish)
Served as cold dish
A4 Lightly dusted with curry and pepper marinated台式盐酥鸡 chicken
A5 Fried chicken wings 炸鸡翅
A6 Spicy and sour squid 酸辣鱿鱼 (cold dish)
Served as cold dish
A8 Cucumber salad with garlic sauce 青口黄瓜🥒(cold dish)
Served as cold dish
A9 Shredded potato with pepper oil炝拌土豆丝 (cold dish)
Served as cold dish
A10 Pork and cabbage eggroll (2)猪肉春卷
A11 Veggie eggroll (2)蔬菜春卷
A12 Crab Rangoon (6)炸蟹角
A13 Hand-made Pork/Chinese cabbage Dumplings手工猪肉水饺
A14 Hand-made Pork/Chinese cabbage Pot Stickers手工猪肉煎饺
A15 House made scallion pancake手工葱油饼
A16 House made Chinese pancake with sliced 手工牛肉饼beef
A17 Tea egg (1) 茶叶蛋
A9 Northern Sichuan Bean Jelly (cold dish)
Served as cold dish
A5 Fried chicken wings 炸鸡翅
A20 Chinese crepe (extra 2.00 for choice of beef, sausage, or ham)
A18 Hand-made Chicken and Mushroom Pot S手工鸡肉蘑菇水饺🥟tickers (New)
Hot and spicy bean jelly 川北凉粉

$Pan Fried Noodle Hand-cut or Knife-shaved

All pan-fried noodles with carrots, onion, and cabbage.
N7 Pan fried noodle with beef 牛肉炒面
N8 Sliced cumin lamb noodle 孜然羊肉炒面
N9 Pan fried noodle with chicken 鸡肉炒面
N10 Pan fried noodle with pork 猪肉炒面
N11 Pan fried noodle with seafood 海鲜炒面
Seafood includes shrimp, squid, and crab meat stick
N12 Pan fried noodle with veggies 蔬菜炒面
Veggies include: Chinese cabbage, bok choy, broccoli, carrot, onion

$Hand Made Noodle with Soup

N1 Sliced beef noodle with bok choy 牛肉汤面
N2 Chicken noodle with bok choy 鸡肉汤面
N3 Beef stew noodle with bok choy 牛腩汤面
N4 Pork rib noodle with bok choy 猪排汤面
N5 Seafood (shrimp/squid/crab meat stick) noodle海鲜汤面 with bok choy
N6 Veggie (Chinese cabbage/bok choy/carrot) 蔬菜汤面noodle

$Specialty Noodles

N13 Sichuan Dan Dan noodle (minced pork/chili oil/sesame/peanuts)担担面
N14 Chongqing spicy noodle (chili oil sauce/s重庆小面esame/peanuts)
N15 Shredded pork and jalapeno mixed sauce 青椒肉丝面 noodle
N16 Tomato and egg sauce noodle with bok choy 西红柿打卤面
N18 Fortune Liang Pi "Cold-Skin noodles"
N19 Sichuan street spicy and sour rice noodles酸辣粉
N17 Zhajiangmian 炸酱面

$Mala Dry Stir Fried Bowl

MINIMUM ORDER OF 5 ITEMS, SERVED WITH WHITE RICE. Add or replace with hand-pulled noodle for $6.00. * All come with CILANTRO and PEANUTS
Mala Dry Stir Fried Bowl


Served with white rice.
C1 Kung Pao chicken 宫保鸡丁
C2 General Tso’s chicken 左宗鸡
C3 Sesame chicken 芝麻鸡
C4 Orange Chicken 陈皮鸡
C5 Chicken with broccoli 介兰鸡
C6 Chicken with garlic sauce 鱼香鸡
C7 Mongolian chicken 蒙古鸡
C8 Braised bone-in chicken with potato and green新疆大盘鸡 pepper
C9 Spicy stir-fried chicken干煸辣子鸡
C10 Stir fry chicken wings with dried chili pepper干煸辣子鸡翅
C11 Stir fry chicken with Sichuan chili 歌乐山辣子鸡
C1 Bone-in stewed chicken with hazel mushroom

$Beef & Lamb

Served with white rice.
B1 Cumin beef 孜然牛肉
B2 Stir fried beef with scallion 葱爆牛肉
B3 Strip beef with green pepper 杭板牛柳
B4 Sliced ribeye w/ sour veggies酸汤肥牛
B5 Sliced beef in chili pepper soup 水煮牛
B6 Mao Cai sliced beef 冒菜肥牛
B7 Braised beef stew 红烧牛腩
B8 Beef stew with potato 土豆烧牛腩
B9 Mongolian beef 蒙古牛
B10 Broccoli beef 芥蓝牛
B11 Kung Pao beef 宫保牛
B12 Beef with garlic sauce 鱼香牛
B13 Cumin lamb neck
B14 Chili pot lamb neck with cabbage
B15 Cumin sliced lamb 孜然羊肉
B16 Stir fried lamb with scallion 葱爆羊肉
B13 Cumin lamb neck 孜然羊蝎子


Served with white rice
P1 Northern style sweet & sour pork 东北锅包肉
P2 Eggplant with braised minced pork肉末茄子
P3 Farmer’s style stir fried shredded pork农家小炒肉
P4 Kimchee with double-cooked pork belly slices泡菜回锅肉
P5 Shredded pork with spicy chili sauce 香辣肉丝
P6 Shredded pork w/ garlic sauce鱼香肉丝
P7 Pork belly with sweet potato noodle 红烧肉炖粉条
P8 Sweet and sour ribs糖醋排骨
P9 Salt and pepper fried pork ribs 椒盐排骨
P10 Fried chitlins with celery and dry chili pepper
P12 Dry stir fried kidney and squid
P13 Pineapple sweet & sour pork
P14 Chengdu double cooked pork with leek & 成都回锅肉jalapeno
P15 Dragon’s favorite eggplant (w/ minced pork盘龙茄子🍆/shrimp/squid)
P1 Boil-cook sliced pork belly with pickled Veggie
P10 Fried pork ribs with garlic sauce
P16 Fried Pork Ribs with Garlic蒜香排骨


Served with white rice
S1 Mala fish filets 麻辣鱼片
S2 Salt pepper fish filet 椒盐鱼片
S3 Fish filets with pickled veggies 酸汤鱼
S4 Boiled chili fish filet 沸腾鱼
S5 Fish filet with soft tofu 豆花儿鱼
S6 Shrimp with garlic sauce 鱼香虾
S7 Kung Pao shrimp 宫爆虾
S8 Salt pepper whole shrimp 椒盐虾
S9 Shrimp with broccoli 介兰虾
S10 Shrimp with tofu delight 虾仁豆付
S11 Salt and pepper calamari 椒盐尤鱼
S12 Whole fish spicy hot pot
S8 Braised whole fish
S9 Whole fish with pickled veggies


Served with white rice
V1 Bok choy with garlic sauce 蒜蓉青江菜
V2 Sautéed green beans 干煸四季豆
V11 Eggplant with garlic sauce 鱼香茄子
V3 Eggplant w/ potatoes & green pepper 地三鲜
V4 Stir Fried Cabbage 手撕苞菜
V5 Dry sautéed cumin potato chips 孜然土豆片
V6 Shredded potato braised with hot chili pepper土豆丝
*Also choice of spicy sour, lightly fried, braised jalapeno
V7 Mapo tofu (soft tofu) 麻婆豆腐
V8 Home style tofu (fried tofu) 家常豆腐
V9 Tofu w/ garlic sauce (fried tofu)鱼香豆腐
V10 Salt & pepper soft tofu 椒盐豆腐
V12 Asian mushroom’s lover 香菇扒菜胆
V13 Sautéed green bean sprouts with preserved酸菜炒银芽 veggie
V14 Stir fried tomatoes with eggs 西红柿炒鸡蛋
V10. Salt and Pepper Soft Tofu 椒盐豆付

$Chili Pot

G1 Chili pot beef 干锅牛
G2 Chili pot whole shrimp 干锅虾
G3 Chili pot fish filet
G4 Chili pot fried tofu 干锅豆腐
G5 Chili pot chicken wings 干锅鸡翅
G6 Chili pot cauliflower 干锅菜花
G7 Chili pot salt pepper frog legs
G8 Chili pot pork ribs 干锅排骨
G9 Chili pot whole fish (dry chili pepper cabbage)
Can add extra items: Sweet potato noodle 2.00 Tofu 2.00 Cabbage 2.00 Wood ear 3.00
G10 Chili pot lamb neck
Can add extra items: Sweet potato noodle 4.00Tofu 3.50Cabbage 3.50Wood ear 4.50

$Rice Combo

All rice combos come with white rice. Replace with fried rice for $2.50.
R1. Beef Stew with Rice Combo 牛腩盖饭
Served with white rice.
R2. Pepper Chitlins with Rice Combo 青椒肥肠盖饭
Served with white rice.
R3. Braised Pork with Rice Combo 红烧肉盖饭
Served with white rice.
R4. Tomato Eggs with Rice Combo 西红柿炒鸡蛋盖饭
Served with white rice.
R5. Cumin Lamb with Rice Combo 孜然羊肉盖饭
Served with white rice.
R6. Spicy Tofu with Rice Combo 麻辣豆付盖饭
Served with white rice.
R7. Bean Sauce Pork Ribs with Rice Combo 豆豉排骨盖饭
Served with white rice.
R8. Sesame Chicken with Rice Combo 芝麻鸡盖饭
Served with white rice.
R9. Pineapple Chicken with Rice Combo 菠萝香鸡盖饭
Served with white rice.
桔香鸡盖饭R10. Orange Chicken with Rice Combo
Served with white rice.
R11. Shredded pork jalapeno with rice
Serve with white rice

$Fried Rice

All pan fried rice and cooked with carrot, green pea, white onion and egg using light oil and seasoned soy sauce.
F3. Shredded Potato Fried Rice
F1. Chicken Fried Rice 鸡肉炒饭
F2. Beef Fried Rice 牛炒饭
F3. Shrimp Fried Rice 虾炒饭
F4. Veggie Fried Rice (includes chopped bok 菜炒饭choy and broccoli)
F5. Egg Fried Rice 蛋炒饭
F6. Ham Fried Rice 火腿炒饭
F7. Yangzhou Fried Rice (contains shrimp/chicken扬州炒饭/beef/ham)
F8. House Special Fried Rice (contains shrimp/本楼炒饭chicken/beef)
F9. Kimchee Beef Fried Rice泡菜牛炒饭
F10. Kimchee Fried Rice 泡菜炒饭


T1 Hot and Sour Soup 酸辣汤
T2 Egg Drop Soup 蛋花汤
T3 Egg and Tomato Soup 西红柿鸡蛋汤
T4 West Lake Beef Soup 西湖牛肉羹
T5 Seafood Crab Meat Soup 海鲜蟹肉炒羹
T6 Korean Style Tofu Soup 韩式豆腐汤
T7 Sweet rice pearls soup 酒酿珍珠圆子汤

$Casserole (Clay Pot)

G11 Clay pot pork ribs 砂锅排骨
Clay pot soft tofu 砂锅豆腐
G13 Clay pot beef tripe 砂锅牛肚
G14 Clay pot slice beef ribeye 砂锅肥牛
G15 Clay pot fish filet

$Chef's New Special

E1 Korean style cold spicy noodle 韩式豆腐汤
E2 Chengdu spicy sliced ribeye soup 冒菜肥牛
E3 Stir fried home cured pork belly with leeks蒜苗腊肉
E4 A Choy (leaf lettuce) with garlic sauce
E5 Stir fried pork green pepper king oyster mushroom
E6 Fried crispy King oyster mushroom with dry chili pepper
E7 Chengdu hot and spicy mix pot


Fried skewers topped with house made mixed spices
K1 Lamb skewer 羊肉串(5)
minimum 5 skewers per order
K2 Beef skewer 牛肉串(5)
minimum 5 skewers per order.
K3 Chicken skewer 鸡肉串(5)
minimum 5 skewers per order
K4 Eggplant skewer 茄子🍆烤串
Individual skewer
K5 Enoki mushroom skewer 烤串金针菇
Individual skewer

$Bubble Tea

All bubble teas come with tapioca pearls (or can substitute for yogurt popping pearls upon request)
D11 Original bubble tea 原味奶茶
D12 Taro bubble tea 芋头奶茶
D13 Lychee bubble tea 荔枝奶茶
D14 Green honeydew bubble tea 绿甜瓜奶茶
D15 Coconut bubble tea 椰子奶茶
D16 Mango bubble tea 芒果奶茶
D17 Thai bubble tea

$Flavored Tea

D18 Mango tea 芒果茶
D19 Passionfruit tea 百香果茶
D20 Lychee tea 荔枝茶
D21 Peach tea m蜜桃茶
D22 Strawberry tea草莓茶
D23 Grapefruit tea 柚子茶


D24 Mango smoothie 芒果冰沙
D26 Peach smoothie 蜜桃冰沙
D27 Strawberry smoothie
D28 Strawberry banana smoothie

$Soft Drinks

D1. Coca-Cola
D2. Diet Coke
D3. Sprite
D4. Dr. Pepper
D5. Lemonade
D6. Sparkling water
D7. Wang Lo Kat
Wong Lo Kat (Chinese: 王老吉) or Wanglaoji in pinyin, is a Chinese herbal tea, and one of the most popular tea drinks in China today. It is sold in many forms and different types of containers.
D8. Ice tea
D9. Hot Tea (Green or Black Tea Bag)
D10. Bottled Water
Fresh watermelon juice

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