Yi Fang Taiwan Fruit Tea

Yi Fang Taiwan Fruit Tea Menu

(347) 738-4143
4468 21st St, Long Island City, NY 11101

Tea 茶

Medium Sun Moon Lake Black Tea 日月潭红茶 (中)
Large Sun Moon Lake Black Tea 日月潭红茶(大)
(Warm/Hot) Large Sun Moon Lake Black Tea 日月潭红茶 (大/热)
Medium Pouchong Green Tea 包种绿茶(中)
Large Pouchong Green Tea 包种绿茶(大)
(Warm/Hot)Large Pouchong Green Tea 包种绿茶(大/热)
Medium Songboling Mountain Tea 松柏嶺青茶(中)
Large Songboling Mountain Tea 松柏嶺青茶(大)
(Warm/Hot)Large Songboling Mountain Tea 松柏嶺青茶(大/热)
Medium Lugu Oolong Tea 鹿谷乌龙 (中)
Large Lugu Oolong Tea 鹿谷乌龙(大)
(Warm/Hot)Large Lugu Oolong Tea 鹿谷乌龙(大/热)

$Fruit 水果茶

Medium Yifang Fruit Tea 一芳水果茶(中)
We recommend 50% sugar or less
Large Yifang Fruit Tea 一芳水果茶(大)
We recommend 50% sugar or less
(Warm/Hot) Large Yifang Fruit Tea 一芳水果茶(大/热)
(Warm/Hot), We recommend 50% sugar or less
Medium Passion Fruit Green Tea 埔里百香綠(中)
Large Passion Fruit Green Tea 埔里百香綠(大)
Medium Pineapple Green Tea 金鑽鳳梨綠(中)
We recomond 50% sugar or less
Large Pineapple Green Tea 金鑽鳳梨綠(大)
We recomond 50% sugar or less
(Warm/Hot)Large Pineapple Green Tea 金鑽鳳梨綠(大/热)
(Warm/Hot), We recomond 50% sugar or less
Medium Winter Melon Lemonade 冬瓜檸檬露(中)
Large Winter Melon Lemonade 冬瓜檸檬露(大)
(Warm/Hot)Large Winter Melon Lemonade 冬瓜檸檬露(大/热)
Medium Lemon Green Tea 九如檸檬綠(中)
We recommend with sugar
Large Lemon Green Tea 九如檸檬綠(大)
We recommend with sugar
(Warm/Hot)Large Lemon Green Tea 九如檸檬綠(大/热)
(Warm/Hot), We recommend with sugar
Medium Lemon Mountain Tea 九如檸檬青(中)
We recommend with sugar
Large Lemon Mountain Tea 九如檸檬青(大)
We recommend with sugar
(Warm/Hot)Large Lemon Mountain Tea 九如檸檬青(大/热)
Warm/Hot, We recommend with sugar
Medium Green Plum Green Tea 信義脆梅綠(中)
Large Green Plum Green Tea 信義脆梅綠(大)
(Warm/Hot)Large Green Plum Green Tea 信義脆梅綠(大/热)
Medium Aiyu Jelly Lemon Green Tea 中華愛玉檸檬(中)
Large Aiyu Jelly Lemon Green Tea 中華愛玉檸檬(大)
Large Grapefruit Green Tea 鲜檸柚綠茶(大)
(Warm/Hot)Large Grapefruit Green Tea 鲜檸柚绿茶(大/热)
Orange Fruit Tea 柳橙水果茶
Large only
Large Mango Fruit Tea (Seasonal) 芒果水果茶 (大)
Large only, Fixed Ice
Large Mango Sago (Seasonal) 芒果西米露 (大)
Large only, Fixed Ice
Large Mango Pomelo Sago (Seasonal) 杨枝甘露 (大)
Large only, Fixed Ice
Peach Fruit Tea 桃桃水果茶
Cold and large only
Peach Fruit Tea with Cheese Milk Foam 桃桃霜乳
Cold and large only
Sparkling Peach Fruit Tea 桃气泡泡
Cold and large only

$Brown Sugar Latte 黑糖鲜奶

Brown Sugar Pearl Latte 黑糖粉圓鮮奶
Fixed ice level
Brown Sugar Pearl Black Tea Latte 黑糖粉圓鮮奶茶
Fixed ice level
Brown Sugar Pearl Oolong Tea Latte 黑糖粉圓烏龍鮮奶茶
Fixed ice level
Brown Sugar Pearl Matcha Latte 黑糖粉圆抹茶鮮奶
Fixed Ice Level
Brown Sugar Pearl Cocoa Latte 黑糖粉圆可可鮮奶
Fixed Ice Level

Red Bean Latte 红豆鲜奶

Medium Sweet Red Bean Black Tea Latte 红豆鲜奶茶 (中)
We recommend 50% sugar or less
Large Sweet Red Bean Black Tea Latte 红豆鲜奶茶 (大)
We recommend 50% sugar or less
(Warm/Hot) Sweet Red Bean Black Tea Latte 红豆鲜奶茶 (大/热)
Warm/Hot, We recommend 50% sugar or less
Large Sweet Red Bean Jelly Cake Latte 蜜红豆粉粿鲜奶 (大)
Large Only, We recommend 50% sugar or less
Large Sweet Red Bean Sago Latte 蜜红豆西米露 (大)
Large Only, We recommend 50% sugar or less
(Warm/Hot) Sweet Red Bean Sago Latte 蜜红豆西米露 (大/热)
Warm/Hot, We recommend 50% sugar or less
Large Red Bean Black Glutinous Rice with Coconut Latte 紫米红豆椰奶 (大)
Large Only, We recommend 50% sugar or less
(Warm/Hot) Red Bean Black Glutinous Rice with Coconut Latte 紫米红豆椰奶 (大/热)
Warm/Hot, We recommend 50% sugar or less

$Tea Latte 鲜奶茶

Medium Black Tea Latte 紅茶鮮奶(中)
Large Black Tea Latte 紅茶鮮奶(大)
(Warm/Hot)Large Black Tea Latte 紅茶鮮奶(大/热)
Medium Green Tea Latte 翡翠鮮奶(中)
Large Green Tea Latte 翡翠鮮奶(大)
(Warm/Hot)Large Green Tea Latte 翡翠鮮奶(大/热)
Medium Oolong Tea Latte 烏龍鮮奶(中)
Large Oolong Tea Latte 烏龍鮮奶(大)
(Warm/Hot)Large Oolong Tea Latte 烏龍鮮奶(大/热)
Medium Winter Melon Latte 冬瓜鮮奶(中)
Fixed sweetness.
Large Winter Melon Latte 冬瓜鮮奶(大)
Fixed sweetness
(Warm/Hot)Large Winter Melon Latte 冬瓜鮮奶(大/热)
(Warm/Hot), Fixed sweetness
Medium Pearl Black Tea Latte 粉圓鮮奶茶(中)
Large Pearl Black Tea Latte 粉圓鮮奶茶(大)
(Warm/Hot) Large Pearl Black Tea Latte 粉圓鮮奶茶(大/热)
Medium Grass Jelly Tea Latte 仙草凍奶茶(中)
Large Grass Jelly Tea Latte 仙草凍奶茶(大)
(Warm/Hot) Large Grass Jelly Tea Latte 仙草凍奶茶(大/热)
Medium Caramel Pudding Latte 焦糖布丁鲜奶茶(中)
Large Caramel Pudding Latte 焦糖布丁鲜奶茶(大)
(Warm/Hot) Caramel Pudding Latte 焦糖布丁鲜奶茶(大/热)
Medium Kyoto Uji Matcha Latte 京都宇治抹茶鲜奶茶(中)
Large Kyoto Uji Matcha Latte 京都宇治抹茶鲜奶茶(大)
(Warm/Hot) Kyoto Uji Matcha Latte 京都宇治抹茶鲜奶茶(大/热)
Medium French Cocoa Latte 法国可可鲜奶(中)
Large French Cocoa Latte 法国可可鲜奶(大)
(Warm/Hot) French Cocoa Latte 法国可可鲜奶(大/热)
Medium Taro Latte 大甲芋头鲜奶(中)
Fixed ice level.
Large Taro Latte 大甲芋头鲜奶(大)
Fixed ice level.
(Warm/Hot) Taro Latte 大甲芋头鲜奶(大/热)
Medium Taro Green Tea Latte 大甲芋头鲜奶绿(中)
Fixed ice level.
Large Taro Green Tea Latte 大甲芋头鲜奶绿(大)
Fixed ice level.
(Warm/Hot) Taro Green Tea Latte 大甲芋头鲜奶绿(大/热)
Large Taro Sago Latte 大甲芋头西米露(大)
Large Only
(Warm/Hot) Taro Sago Latte 大甲芋头西米露(大/热)
Medium Super Trio Black Tea Latte 大三元鲜奶茶(中)
Large Super Trio Black Tea Latte 大三元鲜奶茶(大)

$Salty Cream 奶盖

Medium Black Tea Salty Cream 紅茶奶蓋(中)
Large Black Tea Salty Cream 紅茶奶蓋(大)
Medium Green Tea Salty Cream 綠茶奶蓋(中)
Large Green Tea Salty Cream 綠茶奶蓋(大)
Medium Oolong Tea Salty Cream 烏龍奶蓋(中)
Large Oolong Tea Salty Cream 烏龍奶蓋(大)
Medium Mountain Tea Salty Cream 青茶奶蓋(中)
Large Mountain Tea Salty Cream 青茶奶蓋(大)
Medium Black Sesame Black Tea Salty Cream 黑芝麻紅茶奶蓋(中)
Large Black Sesame Black Tea Salty Cream 黑芝麻紅茶奶蓋(大)
Medium Black Sesame Green Tea Salty Cream 黑芝麻绿茶奶蓋(中)
Large Black Sesame Green Tea Salty Cream 黑芝麻绿茶奶蓋(大)
Medium Black Sesame Oolong Tea Salty Cream 黑芝麻乌龙茶奶蓋(中)
Large Black Sesame Oolong Tea Salty Cream 黑芝麻乌龙茶奶蓋(大)
Medium Black Sesame Mountain Tea Salty Cream 黑芝麻青茶奶蓋(中)
Large Black Sesame Mountain Tea Salty Cream 黑芝麻青茶奶蓋(大)

$Traditional Taste 古早味

Recommended beverages. Fixed sweetness.
Medium Grass Jelly Tea 關西仙草茶(中)
Grass jelly topping not included.
Large Grass Jelly Tea 關西仙草茶(大)
Grass jelly topping not included.
(Warm/Hot)Large Grass Jelly Tea 關西仙草茶(大/热)
(Warm/Hot)Grass jelly topping not included.
Medium Winter Melon Drink 古釀冬瓜茶(中)
Large Winter Melon Drink 古釀冬瓜茶(大)
(Warm/Hot)Large Winter Melon Drink 古釀冬瓜茶(大/热)
Medium Winter Melon Grass Jelly Tea 古釀冬瓜仙草露(中)
Fixed sweetness
Large Winter Melon Grass Jelly Tea 古釀冬瓜仙草露(大)
Fixed sweetness
Medium Super Trio Winter Melon Tea 大三元冬瓜茶(中)
Fixed sweetness
Large Super Trio Winter Melon Tea 大三元冬瓜茶(大)
Fixed sweetness

$Flavored Tea 调味茶

Medium Pearl Black Tea 粉圓紅茶(中)
Large Pearl Black Tea 粉圓紅茶(大)
(Warm/Hot)Large Pearl Black Tea 粉圓紅茶(大/热)
Medium Pearl Green Tea 粉圓綠茶(中)
Large Pearl Green Tea 粉圓綠茶(大)
(Warm/Hot)Large Pearl Green Tea 粉圓綠茶(大/热)
Medium Multi-Floral Honey Mountain Tea 百花蜜青(中)
1/2 sugar, less sugar, and full sugar only.
Large Multi-Floral Honey Mountain Tea 百花蜜青(大)
1/2 sugar, less sugar, and full sugar only.

$Yakult 养乐多

Large. Full sugar to 1/2 sugar only.
Large Yakult Pineapple Green Tea 凤梨养乐多(大)
Large Yakult Passion Fruit Green Tea 百香养乐多(大)
Large Yakult Mountain Green Tea 青茶养乐多(大)

$Available in Winter Only (Hot Only) 冬季限定

Hot only.
Large Ginger Tea 鹿野薑茶(大)
Large Lemon Ginger Tea 薑汁檸檬(大)
Large Longan Ginger Tea 薑汁桂圓(大)
Large Longan and Jujube Tea 桂圓紅棗茶(大)
Large Ginger Pearl Black Tea Latte 薑汁粉圓鮮奶茶(大)
Large Ginger Pearl Latte 薑汁粉圓鮮奶(大)

Menu for Yi Fang Taiwan Fruit Tea is provided by findrestaurantmenu.com

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