Floridita Latin American

Floridita Menu

(718) 686-0079
4523 5th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11220

Jugos (Juices)

Jugos (Juices)
Limonada Jugo
Lemon juice.
Pina Jugo
Pineapple juice.
Tamarindo Jugo
Tamarind juice.
Parcha Jugo
Passion fruit juice.
Naranja Jugo
Orange juice.
Zanahoria Jugo
Carrots juice.
Morir Sonando Jugo
Orange and milk juice.

$Batidas (Shakes)

Batidas (Shakes)
Zapota Batida
Mamey shake.
Trigo Batida
Wheat shake.
Guineo Batida
Banana shake.
Mango Batida
Mango shake.
Vegetales Batida
Vegetables shake.
Avena con Naranja Batida
Zanahoria y Leche Batida
Oatmeal with orange, carrots and milk.

$Bebidas (Beverages)

Bebidas (Beverages)
Cafe con Leche
Coffee with milk.
Cafe Express
Ponche de Huevo


2 Huevos, Papas, Tostada y Cafe Desayuno
2 eggs, potatoes, toast and coffee.
2 Huevos, Jamon, Papas Fritas y Cafe Desayuno
2 eggs, ham, fries and coffee.
3 Pancakes con 2 Huevos y Jamon Desayuno
3 pancakes with 2 eggs and ham.
3 Tostadas con Huevos y Salchichas Desayuno
3 toast with eggs and sausage.
Mangu con 1 Golpe Desayuno
Mashed plantain with 1 striker.
Mangu con 2 Huevos, Salami y Queso Desayuno
Mashed plantain with 2 eggs, salami and cheese.
Yautia y Name Acompanado a Su Estilo Desayuno
Yautia and yam served any style.
Mangu con 3 Golpes Desayuno
Mashed plantain with 3 striker.
Yuca con Salami, Huevos, Tocinets y Queso Desayuno
Cassava with salami, eggs, bacon and cheese.
3 Pancakes Desayuno
3 Tostada Francesas Desayuno
3 French toast.

$Breakfast Specials

Breakfast Specials
Huevo Salami y Queso con Mangu Breakfast Special

$Desayuno Tortillas

Desayuno Tortillas
Papas Tortilla Desayuno
Potatoes omelette.
Chorizo Tortilla Desayuno
Sausage omelette.
Jamon y Queso Tortilla Desayuno
Ham and cheese omelette.
Camarones Tortilla Desayuno
Shrimp omelette.

$Desayuno Sandwiches

Desayuno Sandwiches
Tostada de Tomate Sandwich Desayuno
Tomato toast.
Tostada con Jamon Sandwich Desayuno
Toast with ham.
Tostada de Queso Sandwich Desayuno
Cheese toast.
Queso Tropical Sandwich Desayuno
Tropical cheese.
Salami y Queso Suizo Sandwich Desayuno
Salami and Swiss cheese.
Jamon y Queso Sandwich Desayuno
Ham and cheese.
Pernil de la Casa Sandwich Desayuno
Roasted pork on the house.
Media Noche Sandwich Desayuno
1/2 night.
Tuna Sandwich Desayuno
Tuna fish.
Cubano Sandwich Desayuno
Pavo Sandwich Desayuno
Pollo Sandwich Desayuno
Pechuga de Pollo Sandwich Desayuno
Chicken breast.
Cubano Especial Desayuno
Special Cuban.
Bistec Sandwich Desayuno
Floridita Club Desayuno

$Aperitivos (Appetizers)

Aperitivos (Appetizers)
Chicken fingers.
Relleno de Papas
Stuffed potatoes.
Relleno de Yuca
Stuffed cassava.
Pastelistos de Jamon y Queso
Ham and cheese patty.
Pastelistos de Camarones
Shrimp patty.
Pasteles En Hoja

$Asopaos (Soupy Rice)

Asopaos (Soupy Rice)
Asopao de Pollo con Hueso
Chicken soupy rice.
Asopao de Pollo Sin Hueso
Boneless chicken soupy rice.
Asopao de Camarones
Shrimp soupy rice.
Asopao de Cola de Langosta
Lobster tail soupy rice.
Sopa de Mariscos
Seafood soup.

$Ensaladas (Saladas)

Ensaladas (Saladas)
Lechuga y Tomate Ensalada
Lettuce and tomatoes.
Aguacate Ensalada
Mixta Ensalada
Mixed salad.
Papa Ensalada
Potatoes salad.
Atun Ensalada
Tuna salad.
Ensalada Cesar con Pollo
Chicken Caesar salad.
Bacalao Ensalada
Codfish salad.
Pulpo Ensalada
Octupus salad.
Mariscos Ensalada
Seafood salad.


Swiss Burger
Bacon Burger
Bacon Cheeseburger
Hamburger Deluxe
Bacon Swiss Cheeseburger
Cheeseburger Deluxe
Swiss Burger Deluxe

$Carnes (Meats)

Carnes (Meats)
Higado de Pollo
Chicken liver.
Bistec de Higado
Liver steak.
Chuletas al Horno
Broiled pork chops.
Carne de Cerdo Frita
Fried pork.
Chuletas Ahumada Frita
Fried smoked pork chops.
Filetillo de Res Salteado
Sauteed steak.
Bistec Palomila
Club palomilla steak.
Bistec Empanizado
Breaded steak.
Bistec a Caballo
Cowboy steak.
Carne de Res Frita
Fried beef.
Bistec En Salsa
Steak in sauce.
Bistec Floridita a la Parrilla
Grilled steak floridita style.
Churrasco Estilo Floridita
Skirt steak floridita style.
T Bone Steak
Mar y Tierra
Surf and turf (steak, shrimp and lobster).

$Pollo (Chicken)

Pollo (Chicken)
Chicharron de Pollo con Hueso
Fried chicken chunks.
Chicharron de Pollo Sin Hueso
Boneless chicken chunk.
Pollo Frito
Fried chicken.
Pollo a la Parmesana
Chicken Parmesan.
Pollo Floridita
Chicken houses style.
Pollo al Ajillo
Chicken in garlic sauce.
Filetillo de Pollo Salteado
Chicken sauteed steak.
Pechuga de Pollo a la BBQ
BBQ chicken breast.
Pollo Empanizado
Breaded chicken.
Pechuga Rellena
Chicken cordon blue.
Guinea al Vino
Guineafowl in wine.

$Arroces (Rices)

Arroces (Rices)
Arroz con Arenque
Rice with herring.
Arroz con Pollo
Rice with chicken.
Choufan de Mariscos y Carne
Arroz con Calamares
Rice with squid.
Arroz con Camarones
Rice with shrimp.
Arroz con Langosta
Rice with lobster.
2 Piece Paella Marinera
2 Piece Paella Valenciana

$Mariscos (Seafood)

Mariscos (Seafood)
Calamares Fritos
Fried squid.
Almejas al Limon
12 clams in lemon sauce.
12 Almejas al Horno
12 broiled clams.
Camarones al Aljillo
Shrimp in garlic sauce.
Camarones Enchilados
Shrimp in Creole sauce.
Camarones Empanizados
Breaded shrimp.
Ensalada de Camarones
Shrimp salad.
Casuelas de Mariscos
Seafood casserole.
Langosta al Horno
Broiled lobster.
Langosta Enchilada
Lobster in Creole sauce.
Seafood combination.
Parrilla de Mariscos
Grilled seafood.

$Pescados (Fish)

Pescados (Fish)
Pescado Floridita
Fish floridita style.
Pescado En Salsa
Fish in sauce.
King Fish Frito
Fried fish king.
Filete de Pescado a la Parrilla
Grilled fish filet.
Ted Snapper Any Style


Espagueti a Su Estilo
Spaghetti any style.
Espagueti En Salsa Roja
Spaghetti in red sauce.
Espaguetti En Salsa Blanca
Spaghetti in white sauce.
Espagueti con Camarones
Spaghetti with shrimp.
Fettuccine Alfredo con Pollo
Fettuccine Alfredo with chicken.
Fettuccine Alfredo con Camarones
Fettuccine Alfredo with shrimp.
Espagueti con Langosta
Spaghetti with lobster.


Pollo Mofongo
Queso Mofongo
Chicharron Mofongo
Pork chunks.
Queso y Pollo Mofongo
Cheese and chicken.
Chuleta Ahumada Mofongo
Pork chunks.
Bistec Mofongo
Langosta Mofongo

$Family Combo

Family Combo
Family Combo No. 1
Baked chicken, large rice, medium beans, sweet plantains and 1 liter of soda.
Family Combo No. 2
3 fried pork chops, large rice, medium beans, sweet plantains and 1 liter of soda.
Family Combo No. 3
Fried chicken chunks, large rice, medium beans, sweet plantains and 1 liter of soda.
Family Combo No. 4
Boneless chicken chunks, large rice, medium beans, sweet plantains and 1 liter of soda.
Family Combo No. 5
Pepper steak, large rice, medium beans, sweet plantains and 1 liter of soda.

$Side Orders

Side Orders
Arroz Blanco
White rice.
Mashed plantains.
Sweet plantains.
Papas Fritas
French fries.
Pure de Papas
Mashed potatoes.
Mashed green plantains.
Arroz con Vegetales
Rice with vegetables.
Mixed rice.

$Kids Menu

Kids Menu
Kid's Hamburger with Fries
Kid's Cheeseburger with Fries
Kid's Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Kid's Chicken Fingers
Kid's Grilled Chicken Sandwich
Kid's Roast Chicken
Served with rice and beans, mashed potatoes, french fries or steamed vegetables.
Kid's Baked Fillet of Sole
Served with potatoes or steamed vegetables.

$Lunch Mariscos (Seafood)

Lunch Mariscos (Seafood)
Calamares Fritos Lunch

$Lunes Lunch Special (Monday)

Lunes Lunch Special (Monday)
Pollo al Horno Lunes Lunch Special
Baked chicken. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pastelon de Maduro Lunes Lunch Special
Sweet plantains pie. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pechuga al Limon Lunes Lunch Special
Chicken breast in limo. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pernil Lunes Lunch Special
Roasted pork. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pollo Guisado Lunes Lunch Special
Chicken stew. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Chuleta al Caldero Lunes Lunch Special
Home style pork chops. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Bistec Palomilla Lunes Lunch Special
Palomilla steak. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Carne de Res Guisada Lunes Lunch Special
Beef stew. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Bistec Salteado Lunes Lunch Special
Pepper steak. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Rabo Guisado Lunes Lunch Special
Oxtail stew. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Camarones Guisados Lunes Lunch Special
Shrimp stew. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Sopa de Pollo Lunes Lunch Special
Chicken soup. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Sancocho Lunes Lunch Special
Dominican soup. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Sopa de Res Lunes Lunch Special
Beef soup. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.

$Martes Lunch Special (Tuesday)

Martes Lunch Special (Tuesday)
Muslo de Pollo a la Parrilla Martes Lunch Special
Grilled chicken thigh. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pollo al Horno Martes Lunch Special
Baked chicken. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Berenjena Guisadas Martes Lunch Special
Stew eggplant. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Lasana Martes Lunch Special
Lasagna. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pollo Guisado Martes Lunch Special
Chicken stew. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Carne de Res Guisada Martes Lunch Special
Beef stew. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Filetillo de Res Martes Lunch Special
Pepper steak. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pechuga Cordon Bleu Martes Lunch Special
Cordon bleu. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pescado Enescabeche Martes Lunch Special
Fish in onion sauce. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Sopa de Pollo Martes Lunch Special
Chicken soup. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Garbanzos Martes Lunch Special
Chickpeas soup. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Mondogo Martes Lunch Special
Tripe soup. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.

$Miercoles Lunch Special (Wednesday)

Miercoles Lunch Special (Wednesday)
Molondrones Miercoles Lunch Special
Okra. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pollo al Horno Miercoles Lunch Special
Baked chicken. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Espagueti con Pollo Miercoles Lunch Special
Spaghetti with chicken. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Patita de Cerdo Miercoles Lunch Special
Pork feet. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pollo a la Mariposa Miercoles Lunch Special
Butterfly chicken. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Picadillo Miercoles Lunch Special
Grounded beef. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Chivo Guisado Miercoles Lunch Special
Goat stew. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Carne de Res Guisada Miercoles Lunch Special
Beef stew. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Costillas de Cerdo a la BBQ Miercoles Lunch Special
BBQ ribs. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pernil Miercoles Lunch Special
Roasted pork. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Filete de Pescado al Vapor Miercoles Lunch Special
Steamed filet fish. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Bacalao Guisado Miercoles Lunch Special
Codfish stew. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Sopa de Pollo Miercoles Lunch Special
Chicken soup. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Sopa de Res Miercoles Lunch Special
Beef soup. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Caldo Gallego Miercoles Lunch Special
Gallego soup. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.

$Jueves Lunch Special (Thursday)

Jueves Lunch Special (Thursday)
Lasana Jueves Lunch Special
Lasagna. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pollo al Horno Jueves Lunch Special
Baked chicken. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Chuleta al Salten Jueves Lunch Special
Sauteed pork chops. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pernil Jueves Lunch Special
Roasted pork. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pollo Guisado Jueves Lunch Special
Chicken stew.
Carne de Res Guisada Jueves Lunch Special
Beef stew.
Pernil Jueves Lunch Special
Roast pork.
Rabo Guisado Jueves Lunch Special
Oxtail stew.
Pescado En Escabeche Jueves Lunch Special
Fish escabeche.
Pechuga Cordon Bleu Jueves Lunch Special
Cordon bleu.
Sancocho Jueves Lunch Special
Dominican soup.
Sopa de Pollo Jueves Lunch Special
Chicken soup.
Cocido de Pata de Res Jueves Lunch Special
Beef feet soup.

$Viernes Lunch Special (Friday)

Viernes Lunch Special (Friday)
Pollo al Horno Viernes Lunch Special
Baked chicken. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pastelon de Platano Maduro Viernes Lunch Special
Sweet plantains pie. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Gallina Guisada Viernes Lunch Special
Hen stew. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Ensalada de Bacalao Viernes Lunch Special
Codfish salad. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Ropa Vieja Viernes Lunch Special
Shredded beef. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Carne de Res Guisada Viernes Lunch Special
Beef stew. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pollo Guisado Viernes Lunch Special
Chicken stew. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Costilla a la BBQ Viernes Lunch Special
BBQ ribs. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Bistec Encebollado Viernes Lunch Special
Steak with onions. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Bacalao Guisado Viernes Lunch Special
Codfish stew. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pescado a la Parrilla Viernes Lunch Special
Grilled fish. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Sopa de Marisco Viernes Lunch Special
Seafood soup. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Sopa de Pollo Viernes Lunch Special
Chicken soup. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Caldo Gallego Viernes Lunch Special
Gallego soup.

$Sabado Lunch Special (Saturday)

Sabado Lunch Special (Saturday)
Pollo al Horno Sabado Lunch Special
Baked chicken. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Lasana Sabado Lunch Special
Lasagna. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Filetillo de Res Sabado Lunch Special
Beef filet. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Cerdo, Moro y Yuca Sabado Lunch Special
Pork, mixed rice and cassava. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Chivo Guisado Sabado Lunch Special
Goat stew. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Carne de Res Guisada Sabado Lunch Special
Beef stew. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pescado al Vapor Sabado Lunch Special
Steamed fish. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Boliche Sabado Lunch Special
Stuffed beef. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pechuga Cordon Bleu Sabado Lunch Special
Cordon bleu. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Rabo Guisado Sabado Lunch Special
Oxtail stew. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Guinea Sabado Lunch Special
Guineafowl. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Cocido de Pata de Res Sabado Lunch Special
Cow feet soup. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Sopa de Pollo Sabado Lunch Special
Chicken soup. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Sancocho Sabado Lunch Special
Dominican soup. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.

$Domingo Lunch Special (Sunday)

Domingo Lunch Special (Sunday)
Pollo al Horno Domingo Lunch Special
Baked chicken. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Masita de Cerdo Domingo Lunch Special
Pork meat beef. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Chivo Guisado Domingo Lunch Special
Goat stew. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Carne de Res Guisada Domingo Lunch Special
Beef stew. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pollo Guisado Domingo Lunch Special
Chicken stew. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Cerdo, Moro y Yuca Domingo Lunch Special
Pork, rice and cassava. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Espagueti con Camarones Domingo Lunch Special
Spaghetti with shrimp. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Arroz con Pollo Domingo Lunch Special
Rice with chicken. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Bistec En Salsa Domingo Lunch Special
Steak in sauce. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Filete a la Parrilla Domingo Lunch Special
Grilled steak. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Pechuga Cordon Bleu Domingo Lunch Special
Cordon bleu. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Sopa de Pollo Domingo Lunch Special
Chicken soup. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Sancocho Domingo Lunch Special
Dominican soup. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Caldo Gallego Domingo Lunch Special
Gallego soup. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.
Mondogo Domingo Lunch Special
Tripe soup. Served with rice and red or black beans, mix rice with black beans or vegetables, stewed peas and sweet plantains.

$Postres (Desserts)

Postres (Desserts)
Arepa Dominicana
Gelatina (Pine y Fresa)
Jell-O (pineapple and strawberry).
Pudin de Huevo
Egg pudding.
Dulce de Leche con Arroz
Rice pudding.
Leche Cortada
Milk custard.
Flan Diplomatico
Diplomatic custard.
Cheese cake.
Tres Leche
3 milks cake.

Menu for Floridita is provided by findrestaurantmenu.com

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