Shanghai No 1

Shanghai No 1 Menu

(408) 255-1288
19634 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014


Stuffed Lotus Root with Osmanthus Glutinous Rice 桂花糯米莲藕
Eight Treasure Purple Rice 紫米八宝饭
Fermented Sweet Riceballs 酒酿小汤圆
Shanghai Red-bean Paste Zongzi 上海豆沙粽子
Glutinous Rice Cake with Brown Sugar 紅糖糍粑
Sugar Ice Jelly 红糖冰粉
Rock Sugared Snow Pear 冰糖雪梨
Sugar Ice Jelly 红糖冰粉
Osmanthus Glutinous Ricecake 桂花拉糕
Shanghai Style Ricecake with Red Bean Paste 條頭糕

$Stir-Fried Vegetables

Stir-fried Tatsoi Vegetables 冬笋塔菜
Sauteed Napa Cabbage 清炒白菜
Braised Bamboo Shoots 红烧油焖笋
Mushroom with Tofu Skin 香菇面筋
Shanghai Stir-fried Seasonal Vegetables 上海炒青菜
Steamed Mushrooms with Choy Sum 冬菇菜心
Stir-Fried Pea Sprouts 清炒大豆苗
Sauteed Pea Sprouts with Garlic 蒜香大豆苗
Szechuan Stir-Fried String Beans 干煸四季豆
Stir-Fried Garlic Flavored String Beans 蒜香四季豆
Stir-Fried String Beans 清炒四季豆
Sauteed Celery with Dried Tofu 芹菜炒香干
开阳大白菜Kaiyang Chinese Cabbage
蒜蓉大白菜Chinese cabbage with garlic
酸辣土豆丝Hot and sour shredded potatos
蒜蓉土豆丝Shredded potatoes with garlic
清炒包菜Stir-fried Cabbage
蒜蓉包菜cabbage with garlic
炝炒包菜Stir-fried Cabbage
清炒菠菜Stir-fried spinach
蒜蓉菠菜Spinach with Chopped Garlic

$Noodles and Wontons

Chinese Spring Noodle Soup 阳春面
Savory light broth with noodles.
Scallion-oil Mixed Noodles 葱油拌面
Shanghai Meat Cutlet Noodle Soup 上海大排面
Savory light broth with noodles.
Fried Pork Cutlet Noodle Soup 炸猪排汤面
Savory light broth with noodles.
Shanghai Spicy Ground-Pork Noodle Soup 上海辣肉面
Savory light broth with noodles.
Braised Beef Noodle Soup 红烧牛肉面
Savory light broth with noodles.
Steamed Beef Noodle Soup 元盅牛肉汤面
Cooked using moist heat, savory light broth with noodles.
Steamed Chicken Noodle Soup 元盅土鸡汤面
Cooked using moist heat, savory light broth with noodles.
Shredded Meat Noodles with Pickled Vegetables 榨菜肉丝汤面
Shredded Pork Meat Noodles with Mustard Greens 雪菜肉丝汤面
Casserole Dish with Shepherd’s Purse Herb Wonton Stew 砂锅荠菜大馄饨
With slow cooked wonton soup.
Casserole Dish with Small Wonton Stew Pork 砂锅鲜肉小馄饨
With slow cooked wonton soup.
上海辣酱肉面Shanghai Spicy Meat-Sauce Noodles
Fish Head Soup with tofu 鱼头豆腐汤

$Main Hot Dishes

Sauteed Eel with Chinese Chives 韭黄鳝鱼丝
Cooked in oil or fat over heat.
Shanghai Marinated Eel 响油鳝鱼丝
Soaked in a sauce.
Tofu with Crab Roe 蟹粉豆腐
Fish egg.
Braised Yellowtail Fish 红烧黄鱼
Slow cooked in liquid.
Yellowtail Fish with Pine Nuts 松子鳕鱼
Stir-Fried Shrimps 水晶虾仁
Cooked in oil.
Fried Shrimp 油爆虾
Cooked in oil.
Fish Fillets with Pickled Mustard Greens 酸菜鱼片
Pickled cucumber that has been preserved in vinegar or brine.
Black Fungus Mushroom and Fish Fillets 糟熘鱼片
Salt and Pepper Fish Fillets 椒盐鱼片
Slow-Simmered Meatball Stew 清炖狮子头
Slow cooked soup.
Braised Meatball 红烧狮子头
Ball of seasoned meat.
Celery with Shredded Pork 芹菜香干肉丝
Mapo Tofu Pork 麻婆豆腐
Bean curd made from soybeans.
Braised Pork Feet 江南第一蹄
Slow cooked in liquid.
Salt and Pepper Pork Cutlet 椒盐猪排
Braised Pork Belly Egg 本帮红烧肉鹌鹑蛋
Fatty meat from the belly of a pig.
蟹粉狮子头 Braised pork meatballs in brown sauce
蟹粉玉子豆腐 Crab Roe Egg Toufu
四季豆牛 beef with green beans
四季豆鸡 Chicken with green beans
宫保鸡丁 Kongpao Chicken
蒙古鸡 Mongolian Chicken
With brown sauce and vegetables.
蒙古羊 Mongolian Lamb
With brown sauce and vegetables.
孜然羊 Cumin Lamb
葱爆羊肉Sautéed lamb with green onions
蒙古牛 Mongolian beef
With brown sauce and vegetables.
核桃虾 Shirmp with walnut
甜酸虾 Sweet and Sour Shirmp
Cooked with or incorporating both sugar and a sour substance.
甜酸鸡 Sweet and Sour Chicken
Cooked with or incorporating both sugar and a sour substance.
甜酸鱼片 Sweet and Sour Fish fillet
Cooked with or incorporating both sugar and a sour substance.
椒盐鱼片 Salt and Pepper Fish fillets
椒盐大虾 Salt and Pepper Shrimp
椒盐排条 Salt and Pepper Pork Cutlet
紅燒鱈魚 Braised Cod
Slow cooked in liquid.
紅燒鱈魚 Braised Cod
Slow cooked in liquid.

$Fried Noodles, Ricecakes and Fried Rice

Stir-Fried Shanghai Noodles 上海粗炒面
Stir-Fried Noodles with Shrimp 上海虾仁炒面
Stir-Fried Noodles with Organic Chicken 鸡肉炒面
Fried in a small amount of very hot oil while being stirred or tossed.
Vegetarian Combination Stir-Fried Noodles 什锦素炒面
Shanghai Stir-Fried Ricecakes 上海炒年糕
Stir fried rice.
Stir-Fried Vegetarian Combonation Ricecake 什锦素炒年糕
Fried in a small amount of very hot oil while being stirred or tossed, meatless, a meal that combines various types of food or drinks.
Shredded Pork and Napa Cabbage Rice-cakes 白菜肉丝汤年糕
Stir-Fried Rice-Cakes with Shredded Pork and Mustard Greens 荠菜肉丝炒年糕
Fried in a small amount of very hot oil while being stirred or tossed.
Stir-Fried Ricecake with Shredded Pork 雪菜肉丝炒年糕
Fried in a small amount of very hot oil while being stirred or tossed.
Stir-Fried Ricecake with Pickled Vegetable Shredded Meat 榨菜肉丝炒年糕
Stir fried rice, preserved in vinegar or a salt solution.
Stir-Fried Ricecake with Organic Chicken 鸡肉炒年糕
Fried in a small amount of very hot oil while being stirred or tossed.
Shanghai Ham and Vegetables Rice 上海咸肉菜饭
Shanghai Style Rice-Cakes 弄堂糍饭糕
Yang-Zhou Fried Rice 扬州炒饭
Stir fried rice.
Organic Chicken Fried Rice 鸡肉炒饭
Stir fried rice.
Scrambled Egg Shrimp Fried Rice 虾仁蛋炒饭
Beaten and pan fried with seasoning, stir fried rice.
Vegetarian Combination Fried Rice 素什锦炒饭
Meatless, a meal that combines various types of food or drinks, stir fried rice.
White Rice 白饭
弄堂猪油捞饭 longtang lard rice
毛蟹炒年糕 Stirfried Crab with Ricecakes
红烧黄鱼年糕 Braised Yellowtail Fish Ricecake
Buttery mild fish, fried fish patty, prepared with puffed rice.
麻醬拌面 Noodles with Sesame Paste
上海辣醬肉拌面 Shanghai Spicy Meat Sauce Noodles

$Small Dishes

Shanghai Fermented Radish 上海酱萝卜
Shanghai Sauteed Mushroom Combination 上海四喜烤麸
Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs 糖醋排骨
Shanghai Drunken Chicken 上海醉鸡
Shanghai White Cut Chicken 上海白斩鸡
Chinese Malan Herb Tofu Salad 香干马蓝头
Shanghai Braised Duck with Brown Sauce 上海酱鸭
Shanghai Braised Saltwater Chicken 上海盐水鸭
Fried Pork Cutlet 炸猪排
Fried Fish Cutlet 炸鱼排
Fried Organic Chicken Cutlet 炸鸡排
上海春卷4个 spring rolls 4 pcs
陈醋菠菜Vinegar spinach
葱油饼 Scallion pancake
涼拌乾絲 Shredded Tofu Bean Curd Salad

$Steamed Buns, Dumplings and Potstickers

Meaty Soupy Dumplings 8pcs 鲜肉小笼包6个
Crab Roe Soupy Dumplings 8pcs 蟹粉小笼包6个
Pan-fried Buns 6pcs 生煎包6个
Shanghai Meaty Zongzi 上海肉粽
Steamed Cabbage and Pork Dumplings 8pcs 菜肉蒸饺 8个
Steamed Shrimp Dumplings 8pcs 虾肉蒸饺8个
Steamed Mushroom Dumplings 8pcs 香菇素蒸饺8个
Cabbage and Pork Potstickers 8pcs 菜肉锅贴8个
Vegetarian Mushroom Potstickers 8pcs 香菇素锅贴 8个
Pan-fried Vegetarian Buns 6pcs 素生煎包6个
四季豆猪肉大包子(4个)Pork with green bean big buns (4 pcs)
Shrimp Potstickers 8pcs 虾肉锅贴 8个

$Steamed Soup and Stew

Slow-Simmered Beef Soup 元盅蒸牛肉汤
Savory soup made from cow meat.
Slow-Simmered Chicken Soup 元盅蒸土鸡汤
Chicken Soup: Savory soup with a poultry base.
Steamed Egg Stew 元盅蒸蛋羹
Ginger and Scallion Duck Soup with Bamboo Shoots 老鸭扁尖汤
Shredded Pork and Mustard Greens Soup 榨菜肉丝汤
Shanghai Meat Broth Soup 上海腌笃鲜汤
Slow Simmered Beef Vermicelli Soup 清炖牛肉粉丝汤
Noodle soup.
Braised beef vermicelli soup 红烧牛肉粉丝汤
Noodle soup.
Shredded Dried Tofu Soup 大煮干絲

$Frozen Buns,Dumpling and Potstickers

速冻小笼包25个 Frozen Meaty Soupy Dumplings (Xiao-Long-Bao) 25 pcs
速冻蟹粉小笼包25个 Frozen Crab Roe Soupy Dumplings (Xiao-Long-Bao) 25 pcs
速冻生煎包25个 Frozen Pan-Fried Buns 25 pcs
速冻素生煎包25个 Frozen vegetarian Pan Fried Buns 25pcs
速冻虾肉蒸饺25个 Frozen Steamed Shrimp Dumplings 25pcs
速冻虾肉锅贴25个 Frozen Shrimp Potstickers 25pcs
速冻菜肉锅贴25个 Frozen Cabbage and Pork Potstickers 25pcs
速冻荠菜大混沌25个 Frozen Shepherd’s Purse Herb Wonton Stew 25pcs
速冻上海小混沌60个 Small Wonton Stew Pork 60pcs

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