China Impression

China Impression Menu

(714) 884-3838
1505 Mesa Verde Dr Ste E, Costa Mesa, CA 92626


Mineral Water (矿泉水)
Coke (可口可乐)
Diet Coke (零度可乐)
Diet Pepsi (零度百事)
Syrup of Plum Drink (酸梅汤)
Jiaduobao Herbal Tea (加多宝凉茶)
Spirit (雪碧)
Fanta (芬达)
Root Beer
Orange Crush
Mountain Dew
Lemon Black tea 小茗同学 红茶


Homemade Scallion Pancake(葱油饼)
2 whole pancake with scallion and 1 pancake sliced to 8 pieces.
4 Pieces Veggie Egg rolls (春卷*4)
Cabbage, carrots, green beans, onions, mushrooms, vermicelli, starch, soybean oils, and tofu bean curd.
10 Pieces Homemade Potstickers (煎饺)
Chicken or pork with veggies.
10 Pieces Steamed Dumpling (水饺)
Chicken or pork with veggies.
Tokoyaki (章鱼丸)
6 Pieces fried tokoyaki
Calamari (鱿鱼圈)
Fried calamari ring.
Chicken Nugget (炸鸡块)
8 pieces chicken nugget.


Hot and Sour Soup (酸辣汤)
Tofu, pork, black fungus, bamboo, and veggie.
Seaweed Egg Soup (紫菜蛋汤)
Seaweed, egg, and scallion.
Tomato Egg Soup (番茄蛋汤)
Tomato, egg, and scallion.
Seafood Tofu Soup (海鲜豆腐汤)
Shrimp, fish, and tofu.
Egg Flower Soup (蛋花汤)
Only egg.
Wonton Soup (馄饨汤)
10 pieces chicken wonton and veggies.


Salt Pepper Wings(椒盐鸡翅)
6 Fried chicken wings with salt pepper.
Sweet Sour Chicken (咕老鸡)
Fried chicken, pineapple, red pepper, green pepper, and sweet sauce.
Curry Chicken (咖喱鸡)
Sauteed chicken, green pepper, red pepper, and garlic curry sauce.
Orange Chicken (陈皮鸡)
Fried chicken, garlic, and orange sweet sauce.
Kung Pao Chicken (宫爆鸡)
Sauteed chicken, green pepper, red pepper, peanut, and garlic chili brown Sauce.
Broccoli Chicken (芥兰鸡)
Fresh broccoli, sautéed chicken, and garlic brown sauce.
Cashew Chicken (腰果鸡)
Sauteed chicken, green pepper, red pepper, cashew nut, and garlic brown sauce.
Fresh Mushroom Chicken (蘑菇鸡)
Sauteed white chicken, fresh white mushroom, red pepper, green pepper, and white sauce.
Spicy Garlic Chicken (鱼香鸡)
Sauteed chicken, red pepper, red pepper, and spicy garlic brown sauce.
Salt Crispy Chicken (盐酥鸡)
Fried chicken, chili, and salt pepper.
Salt Pepper Wings
Sweet Sour Pheasant
Veggie Chicken(蔬菜鸡)
Sauteed chicken, cabbage, carrot, onion, and white sauce.
Sichuan Chicken (四川鸡)
Sauteed chicken, vegetable, and garlic chili brown sauce.
Moo Shu Chicken (木须鸡)
Chicken, eggs, and pancakes.
Snow Peas Chicken (雪豆鸡)
Sauteed chicken, fresh snow peas, and garlic brown sauce.
General Tso Chicken 左宗棠鸡


Orange Beef (陈皮牛)
Fried beef and orange sweet sauce.
Black Pepper Beef (黑椒牛)
Sauteed beef, onion, black pepper, and garlic brown sauce.
Scallion Beef(葱爆牛)
Sauteed beef, onion, and garlic brown sauce.
Scallion Beef
Broccoli Beef (芥蓝牛)
Sauteed beef, fresh broccoli, and garlic brown sauce.
Veggie Beef(蔬菜牛)
Sauteed beef, veggie, and white sauce.
Oyster Sauce Beef (蚝油牛)
Sauteed beef, garlic oyster sauce.
Chuan Beef (四川牛)
Sauteed beef, sliced vegetables, and chili brown sauce.
Tomato Beef (番茄牛)
Sauteed beef, tomato, scallion, green pepper, red pepper, and garlic sweet sauce.
Sweet Sour Beef (咕唠牛)
Fried beef, green pepper, red pepper, pineapple, and sweet sauce.
Kongpao Beef(宫爆牛)
Sauteed bee, green pepper, red pepper, peanut, and garlic chili brown sauce.
Mongolian Beef(辣爆牛)
Sauteed beef, onion, and chili brown sauce.
Moo Shu Beef (木须牛)
Beef, eggs, and pancakes.
Snow Peas Beef (雪豆牛)
Sauteed beef, fresh snow peas, and garlic brown sauce.


Salt and Pepper Shrimp (椒盐虾)
Fried shrimp, red pepper, and salt pepper.
Kung Pao Shrimp (宫爆虾)
Fried Shrimp, red pepper, green pepper, peanut, spicy brown sauce.
Sweet Sour Shrimp (咕老虾)
Fried shrimp, pineapple, and sweet sauce.
Walnut Shrimp (核桃虾)
Fried shrimp, walnut, and sweet sauce.
Seafood Stir Pot (海鲜大烩)
Fish, shrimp, veggie, and white sauce.
Seafood Tofu Pot (海鲜豆腐煲)
Fish, shrimp, tofu, veggie, and white sauce.
Veggie Shrimp (蔬菜虾)
Sauteed shrimp, fresh veggie, and white sauce.
Cashew Shrimp(腰果虾)
Sauteed shrimp, cashew, and garlic brown sauce.
Curry Shrimp(咖喱虾)
Steamed shrimp and curry sauce.
Crystal Shrimp (水晶虾仁)
Steamed shrimp and white sauce.
Spicy Garlic Fish Fillet (鱼香鱼片)
Sauteed spicy garlic fish fillet.
Steamed Fish (清蒸鱼片)
Steamed fish, scallion, and black sauce.
Veggie Fish (蔬菜鱼)
Sauteed fish, cabbage, snow pea, carrots, and white sauce.
Moo Shu Shrimp (木须虾)
Shrimp, eggs, and pancakes.
Snow Peas Shrimp (雪豆虾)
Fried shrimp, fresh snow peas, and garlic brown sauce.


Mix Veggie (炒蔬菜)
Sauteed variety of vegetables and white sauce.
Emerald Cabbage with Mushrooms (香菇青菜)
Black mushroom, emerald cabbage, and garlic brown sauce.
Red Cooked Tofu (红烧豆腐)
Red pepper, green pepper, tofu, and brown sauce.
Dry Fried String Beans (干煸四季豆)
Sauteed string beans and garlic brown sauce.
Veggie Tofu Pot (蔬菜豆腐煲)
Tofu, cabbage, and white sauce.
Scrambled Egg with Tomato (番茄炒蛋)
Scambled egg, tomato, scallion, and white sauce.
Spicy Garlic Eggplant (鱼香茄子)
Sauteed eggplant, red pepper, green pepper, and spicy garlic brown sauce.
Stir Fry Broccoll (清炒西兰花)
Fresh broccoli, and garlic white sauce.
Sour Spicy Shredded Potatoes (酸辣土豆丝)
Red pepper, shredded potatoes , and chili brown sauce.
Green Pepper Shredded Potatoes(青椒土豆丝)
Green pepper, shredded potatoes, and white sauce.

$特色菜推荐 China Style

Home Fried Pork with Chili (农家小炒肉)
Twice Cooked Pork (回锅肉)
Red Cooked Pork (毛氏红烧肉)
Poached Beef (水煮牛肉)
Home Tofu (家常豆腐)
The Pickled Fish Fillet (酸菜鱼)
Mapo Tofu (麻婆豆腐)
Beer Duck (啤酒鸭)
Red Cooked Ribs (红烧排骨)
Sweet Sour Ribs (糖醋排骨)
Three Ingredients Chicken 三杯鸡
Spicy BullFrog 干锅牛蛙
Stir Fry Intestine 爆炒肥肠
手撕包菜 shredded cabbage
干锅有机花菜 organic cauliflower in dry pot
酸辣土豆丝 vinegar sauce with potato wire
馋嘴跳跳蛙 bullfrog with spicy and vinegar sauce
重庆辣子鸡 chong qing deep fried chicken
孜然牛 cumin beef
野山椒牛肉 Wild Japanese pepper beef
孜然羊肉 cumin Lamb
毛血旺 Gross blood characteristics Mong


Rice (米饭)
Thai rice.
Fried Rice (炒饭)
Choice of chicken, beef, pork, shrimp or veggie.
Red Cooked Beef Soup Noodles(红烧牛肉面)
Beef, veggie, and noodles.
Beef Chow Fun (干炒牛河)
Sauteed beef, width rice noodles, and brown sauce.
Spicy Sour Noodles (酸辣汤面)
Pork, noodles, and veggies.
Seafood Soup Noodles (海鲜汤面)
Fish, shrimp,and veggie.
Chow Mein (炒面)
Choice of chicken, beef, pork, shrimp or veggie.
Shanghai Rice Cake 上海炒年糕
Brown Rice 黄米饭

$Lunch Sets

Served with rice and 1 eggroll.
Beef -Lunch
Served with rice and 1 eggroll.
Served with rice and 1 eggroll.

$中式凉菜 Chinese special Cold Starters

凉拌海带 shredded kelp with soy sauce
蒜泥拍黄瓜 Smashed Cucumber
夫妻肺片 Sliced Beef and Ox Tongue in Chilli Sauce
Honey tier(蜜汁小排)

$中式汤品 Chinese special soup

海鲜豆腐羹 seafood tofu soup
紫菜蛋汤 seaweed egg flower soup
西红柿蛋汤 Tomato egg flower soup
酸菜猪肚汤 Pickled cabbage and pork belly soup
青菜豆腐汤 tofu and vegetable soup
酸菜排骨汤 Sauerkraut Rib Soup

$中式猪肉类 Chinese special poke

农家小炒肉 Home Fried Pork with Chili
水煮肉片 Sichuan poached pork
鱼香肉丝 shredded pork with garlic sauce
香干肉丝 shredded pork with dried bean curd
青椒肉丝 shredded pork with green pepper
川味回锅肉 Twice Cooked Pork
酸菜肚丝 pickled cabbage and pork tripe
野菌肚丝 wild mushroom and pork tripe
辣子肥肠 Chilli peppers pig's large intestines
爆炒肥肠 Stir-fried intestine
酸菜炒肥肠 Sauerkraut Fried intestines
毛血旺 poke blood characteristics Mong
蒜苗炒腊肉 Sauteed preserved pork with garlic sprout
腊肉荷兰豆 preserved meat with snow peas
酸豆角肉末 sour french beans with shredded pork
烟笋炒腊肉 Shoots crisp fried bacon
毛氏红烧肉 Braised Pork Belly

$中式牛羊类 Chinese special Beef and Lamb

野山椒牛肉 Wild Japanese pepper beef
农家小炒牛肉 stir-fried beef
水煮牛肉 Poach beef with hot chili
葱爆牛肉 Quick-fried beef with scallions
辣爆牛 Mongolian Beef
孜然牛 cumin beef
小炒羊 stir-fried Lamb
葱爆羊肉 Quick-fried mutton slices with scallions
孜然羊肉 cumin Lamb
烤羊排 roast mutton chops 2 pcs

$中式鸡鸭菜品 Chinese special Chicken and Duck

重庆辣子鸡 chong qing deep fried chicken
农家小炒仔鸡 stir-fried chicken
小炒鸡杂 stir-fried chicken giblets
酸豆角鸡杂 pickled cowpea chicken giblets
宫保鸡丁 kongbao chicken
干锅啤酒鸭 Beer duck with dry pot
湘西魔芋烧鸭 Xiangxi konjac roast duck

$中式海鲜类 Chinese special seafood

油焖大虾 Shrimp simmered casserole
口味虾 Taste Shrimp
辣子虾 Spicy Shrimp
滑蛋虾仁 Fried eggs with shrimps
红烧全鱼 fish in brown sauce
豆瓣全鱼 fish with chilli bean sauce
口味鱼片 Taste Fish slice
辣子鱼片 Spicy Fish slice
水煮鱼片 fish filst with hot pot
烤全鱼 BBQ whole fish

$夜宵档 田鸡 Other

干锅田鸡 Dry pot bullfrog
农家炒田鸡 stir-fried bullfrog
水煮田鸡 bullfrog with chili sauce pot
馋嘴跳跳蛙 bullfrog with spicy and vinegar sauce

$中式蔬菜类 Chinese special veggie

干锅有机花菜 organic cauliflower in dry pot
大盆花菜 big potted cauliflower
手撕包菜 shredded cabbage
干煸四季豆 fried string beans
四季豆炒茄子 fried string beans with eggplant
清炒荷兰豆 stir fried snow peas
鱼香茄子 Eggplant with Garlic Sauce
香菇青菜 Stir fried vegetable with mushroom
西红柿炒鸡蛋 Stir fried egg and tomato
酸辣土豆丝 vinegar sauce with potato wire
蒜炒青刚菜 pak choi with garlic sauce
麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu

$中式主食类 Chinese special staples

米饭 steamed rice
扬州炒饭 Yangzhou fried rice
腊肉炒饭 Fried Rice with Preserved Pork
香肠炒饭 Fried rice with sausage
蔬菜炒饭 vegetable frice rice
什锦炒饭 cambo Frice rice
蔬菜炒面 vegetable chow mein
西红柿鸡蛋炒面 chow mian with tomato and egg
红烧牛肉面 Beef noodle soup
番茄鸡蛋面 Tomato egg noodle soup

$Cocount Jelly 椰子冻

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