Dongpo Impression

Dongpo Impression Menu

(872) 529-3240
228 W Cermak Rd, Chicago, IL 60616

Hot Appetizers 热前菜

Dongpo Sausage 东坡腊香肠
Finely chopped or ground meat, often mixed with seasoning.
Dongpo Cured Pork 东坡腊肉
Cured Pork and Sausage 腊味双拼
Meizhou Pork Intestine 香卤肥肠
Eggplant Crushed Chili 烧椒茄子
Baked with cheese.
“Wolf” Teeth Potato 狼牙土豆
Zhong's Dumplings 钟水饺
Filled dough.
Sichuan Wontons 龙抄手
Chinese dumpling that comes with filling.
Spicy and Numbing Wonton 老麻抄手
Xiao Long Bao 小笼汤包
Pot Stickers 北京锅贴
6 pieces. Crescent shaped dumpling.
Peking Dumplings 北方水饺
pork filling
Crystal Shrimp Dumplings 水晶虾饺
6 pieces. Filled dough.
Scallion Pancake 香酥葱油饼
Flat sweet cake.
Crab Rangoon 酥炸蟹角
4 pieces. Fried wonton wrapper filled with crab and cream cheese.
Shanghai Spring Rolls 上海春卷
hand made crispy roll filled with shredded vegetables
Canton Egg Rolls 广式春卷
Crispy dough filled with minced chicken.
Dan Dan Noodle 担担面
Suan La Fen 酸辣粉
Fei Chang Fen 双流肥肠粉

$Cold Appetizers 凉拌菜

Fu Qi Fei Pian 夫妻肺片
Sichuan Pork Kidney 麻辣腰花
Sichuan Style Pork Liver 凉拌猪肝
Pork Mashed Garlic 蒜泥白肉
Sichuan Diced Chicken 凉拌口水鸡
Bonbon Chicken 特色棒棒鸡
Hanyang Chicken 农家汉阳鸡
Diced Rabbit 凉拌兔丁
Pig Ear 五香卤猪耳
Cooked ear of a pig.
Spicy Pig Ear 凉拌猪耳
Cooked ear of a pig.
Cucumber Salad 蒜拍黄瓜
Cucumber mixed with dressing.
Spicy Cucumber Salad 麻辣黄瓜
Cucumber mixed with dressing.
Bean Curd with Peanut 麻辣花仁豆干
Ginger Spinach 姜汁菠菜
Cold Noodle Salad 四川凉面
Salad with thin noodles made from flour.
Cold Noodle Chicken Salad 鸡丝凉面
Salad with thin noodles made from flour.
Yibin Flaming Spicy Noodle 宜宾燃面
Sichuan Bean Jelly 川北凉粉

$Soups 汤羹类

Hot n Sour Soup 酸辣汤
Soup that is both spicy and sour, typically flavored with hot pepper and vinegar.
Egg Drop Soup 蛋花汤
Soup that is made from beaten eggs and broth.
Wonton Soup 云吞汤
Seasoned broth with filled wonton dumplings.
Mixed Vegetable Soup 什锦素菜汤
Savory liquid dish made with a variety of vegetables.
Spinach Tofu Soup 菠菜豆腐汤
Soup made from bean curd.
Chicken Corn Soup 鸡茸玉米汤
Savory and sweet soup made from corn.
Egg Tomato Soup 番茄煎蛋汤
Soup with beaten eggs.
Spinach Pork Ball Soup 菠菜圆子汤
Savory soup with tofu.
West Lake Beef Soup 西湖牛肉羹
Savory soup made from cow meat.
Seafood Tofu Soup 海鲜豆腐羹
Savory soup with mixed seafood.
Sole with Sour Cabbage Soup 酸菜鱼片汤
Fish Maw Bamboo Fungi Soup 竹荪鱼肚汤
Lao Ma Ti Hua 老妈蹄花汤

Noodles and Fried Rice 面饭类

Dan Dan Noodle 担担面
Cold Noodle Salad 四川凉面
Cold Noodle Chicken Salad 鸡丝凉面
Salad with chicken that has been cooked in a spicy buttery sauce.
Yibin Flaming Spicy Noodle 宜宾燃面
Suan La Fen 酸辣粉
Fei Chang Fen 双流肥肠粉
Sichuan Beef Noodle Soup 四川牛肉面
A beef noodle soup that is typically served with Cajun or Creole seasoning in the broth
Beef Noodle Soup 红烧牛肉面
Spicy Chicken Giblets Noodle Soup 泡椒鸡杂面
Spicy Pork Intestine Noodle Soup 香辣肥肠面
Pork Intestine Blood Cake Noodle Soup 肠旺米线
Your Fried Noodle 各式炒面
Your Flat Rice Noodle 各式炒河粉
Your Fried Rice 各式炒饭
Stir-fried rice.
Triple Treasure Fried Rice 三鲜炒饭
Stir-fried rice.
Dongpo Sausage Fried Rice 东坡香肠炒饭
Stir-fried rice.
Yangzhou Fried Rice 扬州炒饭
Stir-fried rice.

$Poultry Entrees 鸡鸭兔

Meizhou Dry Chili Chicken 眉州辣子鸡
Crispy chicken with a chili sauce.
Kung Pao Chicken 成都宫保鸡
Hot Wok Chicken 干锅香辣鸡
Sichuan Chicken Stew 川香大盘鸡
Toss Fried Chicken Gizzard 火爆小郡肝
Breaded or battered crispy chicken.
Toss Fried Chicken Giblets 火爆鸡杂
Breaded or battered crispy chicken.
Sour Bean Chicken Gizzard 酸豇豆鸡胗
Stewed Chicken with Taro 芋儿烧鸡
Sesame Chicken 芝麻鸡
Chicken in a sweet sauce served with sesame seeds.
Orange Chicken 陈皮鸡
General Tso's Chicken 左宗鸡
Cashew Chicken 腰果鸡
Chicken Mixed Vegetables 时蔬鸡片
Mongolian Chicken 蒙古鸡
Chicken with Broccoli 西兰花鸡
Smoked Tea Duck 飘香樟茶鸭
Crispy Duck 香酥鸭
Seven Step Duck 干煸七步鸭
Duck Stew with Beer 干锅啤酒鸭
Stewed Duck Konjak 魔芋烧鸭
Dry Chili Rabbit 香辣兔丁
Drunken Rabbit with Fresh Chili 童子醉兔
Hot Wok Rabbit 飘香干锅兔

$Pork Entrees 猪肉类

Twice Cooked Pork with Leek 蒜苗回锅肉
Twice Cooked Pork with Cabbage 莲白回锅肉
Twice Cooked Pork with Pancake 煎饼回锅肉
Stir Fried Sliced Pork 东坡小炒肉
Rural Style Cured Pork 农家炒腊肉
Wosun, Pork and Wood Ear 莴笋木耳肉片
Boiled Pork 水煮肉片
Pork with Tender Tofu 豆花肉片
The Climbing Groud Pork 蚂蚁上树
Ground Pork with Preserved Bean 烂肉酸豇豆
Yushiang Pork 鱼香肉丝
Green Pepper Pork 青椒肉丝
Pork with Tea Tree Mushroom 茶树菇肉丝
Pork Dry Bean Curd 西芹香干肉丝
Dongpo Pork Elbow 驰名东坡肘子
Toss Fried Pork Kidney 火爆腰花
Pork Kidney Green Peppercorn 藤椒腰花
Toss Fried Pork Vessle 火爆黄喉
Toss Fried Pork Liver 火爆肝尖
Stir Fried Pork Liver and Kidney 肝腰合炒
Sweet Sour Pork Ribs 糖醋小排
Meizhou Pork Ribs 眉州小排
Pork Rib Mashed Rice 粉蒸排骨
Cumin Pork Rib 孜香排骨
Salt n Pepper Ribs 椒盐排骨
Meizhou Style Pork Racks 眉州烤排骨
House Special Pork Racks 大漠象牙排骨
Pork Preserved Veggie 东坡扣肉
Famous Dongpo Pork 驰名东坡肉
Pork Stew in Bamboo 竹筒笋烧肉
Hot Wok Pork Feet 干锅霸王猪蹄
Hot Wok Pork Intestine 干锅香辣肥肠
Double Fried Pork Intestine 干煸肥肠
Stewed Large Pork Balls (4) 红烧狮子头

$Beef and Lamb Entrees 牛羊类

Chongqing Style Beef Maw and Pork Blood Cake 山城毛血旺
Salt Miner's Beef 盐工烧牛肉
Beef with Wild Chili 野山椒牛肉
Dry Beef Strips with Celery 干煸牛肉丝
Numbing Beef Tender Tofu 青花椒肥牛
Beef with Tender Tofu 蓉城豆花牛
Mapo Tofu with Beef 麻婆碎牛肉豆腐
Toss-Fried Beef Omasum 火爆牛百叶
Braised Beef Tendon 干烧牛筋
Boiled Beef 水煮牛肉
Steamed Beef with Mashed Rice 粉蒸牛肉
Mongolian Beef 葱爆牛肉
Kung Pao Beef 宫保牛柳
Beef Mixed Vegetables 时蔬牛柳
Peapod Beef 雪豆牛
Orange Beef 陈皮牛
Beef with Broccoli 西兰花牛柳
Mongolian Lamb 葱爆羊肉
Stir Fried Lamb Hunan Style 小炒羊肉
Cumin Lamb 孜然羊肉

$Seafood Entrees 海鲜类

Boiled Fish 经典水煮鱼
Dongpo Braised Fish 家乡东坡鱼
Meizhou Stewed Tilapia 彭祖养生鱼
Squirrel Fish 糖醋松鼠鱼
Cold Wok Fish 江上鲜冷锅鱼
Tianfu Boiling Fish 川国沸腾鱼
Peppercorn Fragrant Fish 藤椒香锅鱼
Green Peppercorn Fish 川西藤椒鱼
Sour Pickle Fish 特色酸菜鱼
Steamed Whole Fish 清蒸全鱼
Dongpo Grilled Tilapia 东坡滋味烤鱼
Sole Fillet with Tender Tofu 巷子豆花鱼
Mala Fish Fillet 麻辣鱼片
Sole with Mixed Vegetables 时蔬鱼片
Sole Black Bean Sauce 豆豉鱼片
Shrimp Mixed Vegetable 时蔬虾仁
Peapod Shrimp 雪豆虾仁
Yushiang Shrimp 鱼香虾仁
Cashew Shrimp 腰果虾仁
Broccoli Shrimp 西兰花虾仁
Kung Pao Shrimp 宫保虾球
Salt n Pepper Shrimp (w Shell) 椒盐大虾
Dry Chili Shrimp (w Shell) 香辣大虾
Hot Wok Shrimp 干锅盆盆虾
Crispy Mayo Shrimp 西奶脆皮虾
Sichuan Style Crawfish 麻辣小龙虾
Salt n Pepper Squid 椒盐鲜鱿
Toss-Fried Squid 火爆鱿鱼
Green Peppercorn 3 Treasure 青花椒三鲜
Boiled Frog 水煮牛蛙
Meizhou Style Frog 眉州馋嘴蛙
Hot Wok Frog 飘香干锅牛蛙
Zigong Special Frog 印象跳水牛蛙
Hot Wok Eel 飘香干锅鳝鱼
Eel Tofu Casserol 豆腐鳝鱼煲
Live Lobster
Live Crab

$Vegetables 蔬菜类

Sichuan String Beans 干煸四季豆
Mapo Tofu 麻婆豆腐
Chinese Cabbage 炝炒莲花白
Homestyle Bean Curd 家常豆腐
Potato Chili Stripes 尖椒土豆丝
Stir Fried Napa Cabbage 清炒大白菜
Napa Cabbage Bb Shrimp 金钩大白菜
Shrimp with Tofu 枸杞虾仁豆腐
Yushiang Eggplant 鱼香茄子
Stewed Eggplant Beijing Style 酱烧茄子
Eggplant with Ground Pork 碎肉茄子
Eggplant with Ground Pork and Bean 肉末青豆烧茄
Dry Chili Eggplant 川味脆皮茄子
Zigong Eggplant 盐工干煸茄条
Garlic Tong Choy 蒜炒空心菜
Garlic Wosun Leaf 蒜炒莴笋尖
Garlic Pea Leaf 蒜炒豌豆尖
Garlic Shanghai Bokchoy 蒜炒小唐菜
Shanghai Bokchoy Shiitake Msrm 香菇小唐菜
Garlic Spinach 蒜炒菠菜
Garlic Choy Sum 蒜炒菜心
“Tiger Skin” Pepper 虎皮青椒
Scrambled Egg Tomato 番茄炒蛋
Mixed Vegetables 什锦素烩

$Desserts 甜点类

Lao Zao Tang Yuang 醪糟汤圆
Lai Tang Yuan 赖汤圆
Gui Hua Tang Yuan 酒酿桂花汤圆
Sweet Potato Cake 南瓜红薯饼
6 pieces. Savory cake made from fried or baked potatoes.
Dongpo Icy Jelly 东坡冰粉
Brown Sugar Rice Jelly 四川米凉糕
Black Rice Congee 黑米粥
Rice porridge.
Eight Treasure Rice Pudding 糯香八宝饭
Sesame Balls (6) 手工豆沙麻球

$Can and Bottle Drinks 饮料类

Coca-Cola 可口可乐
Diet Coke 健怡可乐
Sprite 雪碧
Coconut Milk 巧口椰奶
Jia Duo Bao Herbal Tea 加多宝
Soy Milk 豆奶
Grass Jelly 仙草蜜
Winter Gourd Tea 冬瓜茶
Plum Drink 酸梅汤
Arizona Green Tea 亚利桑那绿茶
Bottled Water 瓶装水

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